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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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follow this program on the khabar network. thank you very much for being with us on tonight's special news talk. we want to look at the commercial and economic horizon of the 6th exhibition of export capabilities and see what are the topics and issues that exist in these two days and of course the coming days in this exhibition. and we will start the discussion and the program tonight , the exhibition of iran's export capabilities, which is one of the biggest and most important business events in the direction of communication with international markets in the country. mann
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it started working yesterday. the opening meeting of this exhibition was held in the summit hall with the presence of the president. the presence of mr. raisi in this meeting indicates the importance of this event. this exhibition shows that the islamic republic of iran cannot be sanctioned and sanctions have never been successful in this country and with the steely will of the people of this system and will not be successful after this. our goal in this exhibition is to have a mutual understanding of what they want and what we have and what we want to introduce to them. exhibit five fasting with more than 2 thousand businessmen, investors and foreign businessmen from more than 100 countries. the world
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of high-ranking officials of about 100 countries, well, in our various ranks, prime ministers, numerous ministers, heads of chambers of commerce, deputy ministers, in total , we have guests from 100 countries, we host more than 2,200 guests, in fact, in iran, from different countries of the world five continents in 17 exhibition halls with an area of ​​50,000 square meters with the presence of more than 800 iranian companies. this exhibition is an exhibition of iran's export achievements. there is the field of industries and mines, the field of agriculture and the food industry and fisheries there is the field of health, including medical equipment in the field of construction industry and engineering technical services in the field of oil, gas, and petrochemicals. for the sake of academicians , we have provided capacity for all the provinces of the country in a separate hall, the capacities and complements of different provinces.
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it is expected that 3,500 face-to-face or so-called b2b meetings will be held in this exhibition with the presence of 50 high-ranking delegations. in this exhibition , it is not just to see a product, but also to negotiate, set up contracts, and follow up to do business and export the president with several participating officials. the opening ceremony of iran's export capabilities exhibition was attended by the prime minister of burkina faso and the first vice president of zimbabwe. mr. ghami, the exhibition which, according to the president, shows that the islamic republic of iran is invulnerable to sanctions, in the two days of the export capabilities exhibition, which we are holding for the sixth time , the most important events in the islamic republic of iran in the field of businessmen. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, thank you very much
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. well, what is happening now, if i want to explain in more detail, we have more than 2,200 guests , most of them are businessmen, and 50 high-ranking delegations. we have economic, commercial and political figures who came at the head of some business delegations and entered these two days practically from yesterday when the opening program started. discussions , b2b meetings, negotiations, visits, participation in various meetings, whether in the exhibition or outside the exhibition, an event that is difficult to follow each and every one of these people or groups because there is a huge amount of events happening at the same time. i will just give an example that maybe this can help. well, i was told in my different discussion that mr. d said that we
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had registrations from more than 13 countries, more than 3500 people that we we closed the site for registration and more than 2,200,23,000 traders have entered so far. tehran and these statistics are still going on and the arrival of officials is still going on. the most important countries that are entering now for the purpose of visiting and also the points that the president pointed out because the president stressed that this exhibition is not just a place to pass and see , a place for negotiation, yes, the essence of what happened this year and the difference from last year, our focus is on the discussion there is negotiation and b2b. we started business with b2b face-to-face meetings from last month. and we started from pars a month ago with traders we got in touch, we found out their requirements in the form of a form, and based on that, we identified the companies . let me give you an example
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. some may have been 34 minutes between people, and some may have taken 10 minutes to reach a higher number. different delegations from different countries came and their companies introduced themselves for 10 minutes each, and then discussed with iranian companies and teams about common issues and in which areas they can interact with each other in the matter of exports or even imports were able to have good negotiations. the important point of this case is that these events and this is the beginning of a process, which means that it will definitely lead to agreements, definitely to a definite sale, definitely to a contract, but we should not expect that everything will happen on the first day. this is the second point that you mentioned . another thing that many of the delegation and businessmen are surprised
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about is the amount of iranian companies' capabilities. don't because we have some commercial requests there are those who may not be at the exhibition, we brought them to the exhibition for the companies that are present at the exhibition or we have a visit for them, we coordinate whether in tehran or in other cities, so in addition to the companies that are located in the exhibition, business meetings and economy with other domestic companies has also provided them with a commercial expression that they cannot feel their needs from inside the exhibition or if it is a company, we give them the right to have this meeting with other companies as well. it is a live and dynamic process. it happens in the country for a simple increase.
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the 6th exhibition of export capabilities of the chamber of commerce, as a representative of the chamber of commerce , please tell me what are the strengths of the 6th edition of the exhibition compared to the previous editions, and of course the weaknesses that have been collected in these two days, as mr. engineer ziqmi said, the statistics now show that 2,200 even foreign traders have entered, if you look at the statistics of the previous year, there were 1300, which means you can do it here. you can see an increase compared to the entry we had. now we are on the second day of the exhibition. we cannot enter the indexes too little. we can make achievements, but the statistics of the delegations are the same, but so far, the index has increased slightly, the index has increased slightly. there is a difference that
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i would like to look at the matter from the point of view of the chamber of commerce , and the private sector of the country this year was the first period that the chamber of commerce a coherent face and one hand participated . we landed in different areas, one of them was the discussion of hosting the chambers of commerce of the world . we invited 30 countries directly from the chamber. in these few days, 234 trade delegations are conducting face-to-face leaks with our businessmen . you confirmed that i said to say we really had persian equivalent meetings in the room and now it continues like this until wednesday . apart from this discussion of accepting foreign guests in our room , we have equipped a 1400-meter exhibition room in which all members of the private sector are active. we have common rooms with different countries, about 20 of them currently have exhibition booths, and the board accepts business delegations
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in the booths. hello, 22 of the chambers of our province are active, after all, they have common borders with their neighbors, they have customs issues, and a series of foreign businessmen that they deal with. they serve food here and our specialized organizations are upstream organizations. you asked for the statistics of private sector companies, which is 800. it was announced, but we have a series of organizations where the same law firms are members of these organizations, and we tried to bring the specialized work that the organizations are doing and use their specialized capacity so that we can build a network. and we believe that we in the private sector can do this networking and tie a knot between the economy of the private sector and the economy of the private sector of other countries, i think. this is also from him in this exhibition there are some things that are quite tangible and can be one of the special strengths of this exhibition. mr.
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zimi, our commercial and economic horizon , if we review the 5th exhibition of the export capability of the islamic republic of iran last year, we signed more than one billion dollars in memorandums and agreements. done many fields are provided for signing contracts and memorandums and agreements . what number do you think the forecast will be? yes, if we want to express it like last year, because the exhibition itself the increase in the same three, four, five days does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that it is in a process of one or two years that these events lead to a definitive sales contract or an increase in agreements. our idea is between 2 and 5 billion euros that these events can happen in a suitable time frame and the
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current conditions and atmosphere show this . the areas of value-added goods should be higher, although we have provided space for other areas for other topics, but we are focusing on this area. we want to be able to attend events in a suitable period of time, god willing. but the reality in these dimensions is the second experience. the first experience happened last year , which was a good learning experience, and this is the second experience in this dimension. my dear friend , the dimensions in terms of quality, in terms of quality, and a little in terms of the presence of officials, the presence of merchants, that we are two we have put together a very big program so that we can use the capacities of both of them for export development
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. and the qualitative discussion that i mentioned focuses on the quality of the import businessmen who enter the country , the quality of the bitubi that we hold and the support and what will happen after this, god willing, to conclude contracts with the private sector , mr. chakar. referring to it, your opinion about the active presence of the private sector in this period, which is an event that many experts have a positive opinion on , look at this exhibition, the private sector exhibition of the government is simply facilitating the knot and it is playing a role in the right capacity, i think. for the few times that the government comes, complete facilitation it makes sure that the private sector, which is the chamber of commerce , are businessmen, and foreign businessmen can communicate with each other , and we are trying to increase the country's exports and trade and
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increase the country's non-oil exports. well, i said last year, this is the first it was an experience, maybe this didn't happen. this year, the chamber of commerce is doing a great job in order to hold the same program, to share information in the chambers of commerce , the presence of common chambers in the exhibition, inviting their counterparts from other countries, when there is an important point, when you are the head of a country's chamber of commerce. invite we are inviting the authorities. the fact is that the authorities bring good delegations to themselves and it is these delegations that conclude this contract here . the companies of the type of scientific vice-chancellor of knowledge bases in this exhibition are remarkable, mr. jagrond. the reason for this is the fact that you are now mentioning that
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you are in the chamber of commerce with other businessmen from different countries. let's look at it professionally and technically, financially , commercially and economically. yes , look at it the way you said. communicate and affect the trade balance . now you can see these systems in these two days. now, it exists in the expo. it exists in the field of engineering and technical services. it exists in the energy industry, in the agricultural industry, in the food industry, in the tourism industry, in the handicraft and carpet industries. all these are one.
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we have a series of national and international support in these few days through commissions specialized chamber of commerce. in the exhibition , we will even invite the ambassadors of many countries to state that we will announce the export capabilities in these six areas of the product group in the country. it should be said that we should finally expect that this will happen now that it can affect our business scale. from that point of view, we have tried to host a series of foreign guests in the chamber of commerce in the last few days. i am grateful i said that all of this will come and finally reach that event and that outcome that will definitely happen and we will follow up and follow up on this story in the chamber of commerce through
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our joint chambers and our provincial chambers, which are the main members of the private sector and there are rooms, we want to do it. body and this continuation and continuation of the story , we will definitely reach those contracts that i told you, god willing, if some time passes , we will definitely be able to give more accurate statistics about what happened. the export capabilities of the islamic republic of iran , the areas that we are focusing on now, the areas that we even have the potential to be activated, the obstacles that you felt are going to be removed.
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i am engaged in business. i am from doha, qatar. this exhibition and these meetings continue. my name is muhammad ali nasser. it is a good opportunity for more business . i am the manager of a chinese trading company .
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i think it was useful. we have an explanation and broadcasting company in the uae. we have come to broadcast and explain this it was great to participate in the exhibition and visit the export capability exhibition. engineer sadegh al-maamori, the head of the babol chamber of commerce, the deputy head of the iraqi chamber of commerce, is coming here to visit the existing capacities in iran, what has happened, god willing. this is the first time that we are traveling as a group to iran and a group of companies from southern china . we hope that we can continue this trend every year and participate with more companies for the second year and the third year. they also thank the iranian business center in the country. china hopes that this center it can continue its work more powerfully and we can attract more companies to travel to iran
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, our guests from different countries in the exhibition. export clauses, which fields are active in this exhibition, which fields mr. ziriqami is going to take a more active presence with the special attention of the government and of course the private sector. look at them. last year, we had about 10 fields in the exhibition . we increased our focus. in the reports , there were 50,000 square meters of total exhibition space involved in the exhibition , but in my opinion, the minimum requirement for such an exhibition is 20,000. it is a square meter that can show all the achievements and capabilities of the country and bring other fields as well: petrochemicals, steel, food industry , packaging, agriculture, agricultural machinery, university. the foundation of medical equipment, pharmaceutical construction , technical services, industrial engineering, in the sense of automobiles , machine carpets, household appliances, machinery and production lines, and
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handicrafts. now, tourism, well, these are the things that are in this year's exhibition. some areas, well, we are a little weaker in some areas. we may be strong in production, but we haven't done much in export, we are trying to plan for them let's leave it special, the reality is that this model should be practiced so much so that it becomes strong in these areas and brings added value to the country, although the reality is that we have very high capabilities in some areas and it has a very good addition, such as knowledge- based areas. we have medical equipment, food industry, and machinery, we are trying to do this. there is a reason that i mentioned. well, in the field of steel and petrochemicals, which is the largest export of the country, there are strong companies. we should increase our export destinations. and diversify but the most important point is that we should increase the product groups, we should
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be able to increase the percentage of product groups with added value and knowledge and those that can bring scientific and technological authority to the country . our serious focus is on these areas. what are the most important obstacles that you have overcome in this variety and increase in export sizes? all of these are related to two important issues, the discussion of logistics infrastructure or transportation and the financial discussion that we are in , we are trying to take into account the needs and there are several solutions to the serious demand that exists let's say that, well, we have also given a solution in the field of regular lines, which requires that export competitions must be paid, and it is necessary that this support be provided. meetings are held in several countries with the cooperation and assistance of the central bank, and for example , various meetings are being held in the following areas at the exhibition, which means that although this exhibition
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is mostly a commodity exhibition, this is the area where the establishment of regular lines is discussed to make the lines more economical. to establish the iranian crop line and settlement solutions the financial issues of using the existing infrastructure are being investigated right now to reach concrete results, god willing. i am discussing with you about some of these, mr. shagrovand, one point , mr. ziqmi. they have weak exports so that they can join the category of export goods and be present in this field, what should be done, what obstacles should be removed from the point of view of the private sector, those who are strong, what obstacles do they have now, tell us the most important ones. one of the things we must pay attention to in order to be able to really connect to
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the global value chain, we can do this under the shadow of continuous production and , as is well known, a good industrial strategy that we can place our products with high quality and with the right brand. eventually, this will happen, but there is another point that must be made. let's keep in mind that no matter how much we want to reach our export potential, we can say that we have many times the potential compared to now, but with a factor of three and a half times, they say that we need investment , that is, we need to attract investors in order to have the opportunity. let's improve our exports capital in the country means that our economic risk should be reduced in the country, and finally, as far as the economic risk indicators, which have a series of external factors, a series of internal factors, if we want to discuss the internal factors as a parameter , we will look at the issue of instability. economically, the lack of economic stability
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means that we don't change our laws and regulations constantly, and one of the things that is really one of the things that creates problems for our business environment is the large change in the laws and regulations of our supply, which i have to say here that we must definitely prioritize. our commercial policies must be prioritized over our value policies let's see and set criteria, that is, instead of cost management, we should go for income management, try to grow our business, have more income so that we can show ourselves better in the international markets. article 24 of the improvement law was exactly one of the words there. that's why, if the rules and regulations are changed, it should be notified in advance and it should
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be announced and notified in the government's database first, then it should be implemented. we had a few cases where this notification was not done these cases were canceled, which in my opinion is one of the achievements that we had this year and can increase that economic stability a bit more for the activists of the private sector . with the obstacles that need to be removed to strengthen exports, while now i will get your answer about what plans you have made or have, the one thing that i saw and heard from the participants about the exhibition was that some face-to-face meetings either it changes or deletes it in terms of b2b complaints are based on which cancellations , look at it as one of the shortcomings of the exhibition or not, this change of programs is in line with the number you mentioned or the virtual ones you mentioned. well, some sessions also have 3 minutes.
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i will answer. both of them have been coordinated about the issue , the events now are not necessarily bad, for example , there was a better meeting in the chamber of commerce, or the businessman decided to participate in a visit and postponed that meeting to another day . it was solved to a good extent , but i said that these are more in line with the result it is happening on the part of the merchants, which in my opinion does not cause serious damage, and maybe it is the type of model that helps everyone. we have more than 100 negotiation tables for these dimensions, and there may be some problems that should be addressed every day. and it is showing good quality. one minute and 30 seconds agenda for
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elimination. mr. acha's private sector mentioned earlier, i think it is correct to point out and this is also our point that trade policies should either prevail over currency policies or at least be both the rock and the foot of it. we can't limit the resources , we want to focus on spending and put pressure. the country has a very high potential to increase exports. everyone should help in this direction to make this happen and the limitations that exist. as far as the issue was in line with restricting exports , which is why we did not announce it, we did not let it be implemented. in my opinion, these policies are the stability of trade and currency policy. it can help a lot in the trade development organization . our best effort will be to do our best to defend this issue
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in less than one minute. how is this exhibition? what do you describe? the reality of what is happening is seen by all my friends and the demand is that, first of all, this should be stable. it should be repeated every year. it should improve every year. my main challenge is that many people those who are interested in participating in this iranian program and the limited urban infrastructure have unfortunately created this problem that we cannot be more than this host. be guests i see very clearly that something is happening and i hope that we can hold this event twice a year like some other countries. less than 30 seconds and how do you draw the horizon? i want to talk about the proposal to remove the obstacles that you mentioned, about the foreign exchange policies, considering that our exports and imports are each around one-tenth, for example, 50 billion dollars, we say that with the permission of the importing body
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and exporters together. agree and agree on the exchange rate. thank you to both guests of tonight's special news talk . in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world today . the file of tonight's program is dedicated to examining the latest situation of american students' protests against the israeli genocide in gaza.


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