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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house. arthel: crucial date looming in court tomorrow is donald trump's
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friend turned foe takes the witness stand. michael cohen is billed as the prosecution's star witness of the former president's historic criminal trial. but, can cohen convince the court's testimony is credible? welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news like i'm arthel neville. eric: hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric sean. michael cohen previously confessed to lying to congress. then in trump's new york civil trial last of all he was a major witness. the former president branded them as a disgraced liar. cohen a longtime lawyer and so-called fixer to the former president is expected to detail how he and the former president arrange to pay adult film star actress stormy daniels 130,000 dollars to keep quiet about her alleged affair with trump. the prosecution is relying heavily on his testimony. some legal experts say cohen's record could potentially harm the case. former acting u.s. attorney general matthew whitaker who served in the trump
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administration, this morning. >> michael coe is going to come to the standard probably more baggage than will fit up there with him. because remember, as a convicted felon and a perjurer he is going to have a hard time telling a story that's not completely impeachable. being asked the fundamental question are you like and now are relying then? remember the case is based on him they have to believe him beyond a reasonable doubt that i don't think that is a standard they will be able to accomplish was somebody of his background. arthel: let's go live to s cb cotton in new york city. cocci arthel but former president donald trump is facing what could be the most crucial day of the trial yet with testimony expected from his for hisformer attorney michael n former president trump is on her gag order barred from speaking about any witnesses in this case. as a beachfront rally yesterday instead of going after cohen, trump attacked the case itself and accused president joe biden of driving it. even though the charges were filed by prosecutors here in
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manhattan. >> i have come hear from new york where i am being forced to endure a biden show trial. all done by biden. carried out -- make all being done by hand. carried out by radical district attorney, you know who he is. fat alvin. [laughter] cooks those remarks come as cohen is expected to testify tomorrow that he paid it daniels hush money on trump's behalf leading up to 2016 presidential election. in an effort to keep her quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with the former president. prosecutors say it went trump prepaid: he tried to hide it as marking the payments as legal expenses. but former president trump that he never had sex with a daniels he denies he had any role in falsifying records. here is trump this past friday outside the courtroom.
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>> it was a legal expense that somebody happened to beat me what i did not do the booking i did not know about it but a very good bookkeeper marked eight legal expense down as a legal expense. they did not call it collect construction. they did not call it building something or electrical costs, they called it very simply a legal expense to the lawyer. he was a lawyer. >> cohen has never shied away from talking about the case. especially on social media. on friday trump's attorneys urged the judge to make it stop since the former president who again is under a gag order cannot respond to anything cohen says out of court. the judges already told the court he cannot to gag witnesses in the case but he did tell prosecutors to tell cohen, stop talking. while cohen is expected to be a star witness for the prosecution, we can expect the
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defense team to attack his credibility. cohen is a disbarred lawyer who pleaded guilty back in 2018 to lying to congress. and it to a bank. back to you. arthel: will take it back here thank you. eric: so far there's been no direct evidence tying the former president into the alleged illegal scheme to file the false business records. cohen is expected to describe just that starting tomorrow. you know he testified against the former president last fall in the civil real estate fraud case. here's what the former president then said about his former lawyer. >> the witnesses, you so michael cohen. you all saw it. he said trump did nothing wrong. trump did not ask him to do anything having to do with valuations. he was caught lying like no one is ever lied. it was a moment. eric: bergen retired nypd the inspector paul mauro. do you think the jury will believe michael cohen? >> it is a high bar.
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you can bet the prosecution is going to use him to try to finally elucidate the crime that none of us can find speed they are aware of the fact that's a gaping hole in the jury is likely reaching to that as you say he says in so many others have said, michael cohen has real credibility problems. not particularly likable. the jury will likely read in that way this is eight new york jury they are going to see right through him. that is really where the robbers when hit the road. but there is a nether issue which is that even if michael cohen is unbelievable and even if he lays out what we believe he is going to lay out there is the other problem that really, what they are alleging is not a crime. you can have an mba and you can use your lawyer to negotiate it. lawyer's affront to money all the time and clients pay them back. so even at the end of the day if cohen is believed, the defense is going to be able to fall back
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on the idea that there is no crime here. they're likely going to ask for a dismissal once the prosecution rests its case. eric: district attorney said the crime is the filing of the false business records. eleven checks, 12 ledgers. the basis of that we may hear from michael cohen he met he says with the former president and the oval office when he was a president that on febr february 2171 month into the trump presidency. will outline and explained that meeting at the oval office is where the former president allegedly told him he would pay him back for reimbursing stormy daniels. but how do we know? if the jury just has him? how do we know they can get a conviction out of that you're basically relying on michael cohen? >> he certainly don't support in new york you're going to need to independently corroborate these statements of a co-conspirator, michael cohen is not indicted
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here. furthermore remember something, michael cohen was donald trump's attorney. presumably when they open that door at the defense is going to be on the road of saying you were his attorney. you were advising him. so why should we believe you now this was all his idea? was he not relying on your advice? they're going to need them for those 34 which are ridiculous they stack those counts i don't think a lot of them come under the statute of limitations with 34 counts only come in if you accept the idea there died in service to a second crime. which has remained a vague. looks like they're going with the idea that there was a conspiracy to influence the election and defraud the electorate which is eight new york state election crime. it is not even clear that would apply in the case of a federal election. eric: if that's the case why did they charge that? >> exactly, exactly where they could set it right from the top. the code of charge as a second
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crime it made it very clear. you put your finger on something i've only heard mark talk about which really bothers me as an attorney. this is a due process violation of my estimation. this point in the trial still does not know exactly what it is he is charged with. how can that be possible under our system? the 34 counts given to eight in service of a second unnamed crime that's hanging out there in the ether? that is not fair and not due process. eric: they're looking i'm pretty happy lied to congress but he was convicted and served time in federal prison for campaign violations, bank fraud and has got the rest of that which the former president laid out and one of the previous trials. cannot talk about it now this is what the former president said in october that left that real estate fraud trial. let's listen. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] went to jail for lying. and you think about it. eric: michael cohen told fox news a couple weeks ago before the judge told him not to speak out anymore. michael cohen to fox news" after the trump administration had to be remanded to solitary confinement for a total of 51 days, i learned a much stronger than i ever imagined for its strong enough to ensure that truth will prevail over donald and his acolytes consistent lying and denigration of me. no one is above the law. so, after this is done how do you think the verdict will go? how will they seat michael cohen starting tomorrow? >> is a tough call. think is going when the stand potentially longer than the two days he is predicting. he there's a lot to tease out there. it's not just that he's a convicted perjurer. if you can go further in the defense and put the finger on the facts when he does not tell
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the truth it's always in service of some ulterior motive. we don't now is trying to reinvent himself as a media star potentially have a tv show, run for congress, he flicked it all these things. he's got a guy with the slipping down h life with a handhold. looking at all this are going to tease it out. at the end of the day it trials the saying is goes if you like once the jury then just sees you as a liar. it's going to come down to that factor versus the effect you have a new york jersey who likely did not vote for donald trump. you've got to hope the integrity of the system holds up and a lot of that comes down to the judgment. so far he has not inspired confidence. see what we'll see what happens live clife cover starts tomorrot 6:00 a.m. eastern here on fox news on fox and friends. paul, good to see you. arthel: another political trial begins tomorrow democratic senator bob menendez will face a second corruption trial in a decade. he and his wife were accused of
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accepting bribes from a trio of new jersey businessmen in exchange for favors. some of which benefited foreign governments. menendez is accused of meddling in criminal investigations and acting as a foreign agent for egypt and qatar during a search of his new jersey home the fbi seized $100,000 worth of gold bars and more that $486,000 stashed in close. menendez spaces life in prison if convicted on all 16 felony counts. >> the most grossly incompetent man and governments, the worst president ever of any country, the whole world is laughing at him. arthel: former president trump ripping into president biden yesterday at a massive rally on the jersey shore. he criticized the president werr threatening to delay weapons to israel among other things it. lucas at tom with the light at the white house with more. >> is not just republicans
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criticizing that decision. twenty-six democratic congressman have ridden separatist state antony blinken criticizing the decision by the administration to withhold weapons to israel. of course, many republicans are also outraged. here's eric's interview earlier with senator ron johnson. >> abide administration iran the state sponsor of hamas, but now by withholding weapons and showing itself to be the main protector of hamas. this is beyond outrageous. >> now that "washington post" is reporting the biden administration working urgently to stave off a full scale is raise the invasion is offering israel valuable assistance and it holds back including sensitive intelligence to help the israeli military pinpoint the location of hamas leaders and find the groups hidden tunnels according to people familiar. here's senator tom cotton reacting to that story. >> the white house denies that jon kirby brief the other date
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that the sharing intelligence including the location who has not been killed in the seven months of this work. >> is in the "washington post" with four officials familiar with it. the "washington post" is like the message board for this administration of democratic party progress you believe the intelligence community's withholding information? >> i believe joe biden is willing to do that. >> of any evidence? lexi has imposed a de facto arms environment on israel. >> top democrat in the armed services committee said he is not so sure. >> the crucial thing about that story as there is no evidence whatsoever that it is true paid the biden administration has absolutely been sharing intelligence and been working with israel for the very start of this work. >> some are pointing to ronald reagan withholding the delivery of f-16 fighter just to israel. people said the situation is much different now after 1200 israelis were slaughtered on october 7. over what had to remain hostage including five american citizens. arthel: lucas tomlinson alive at
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the white house. thank you lucas. eric: according to governor doug burgum announce the president at the yesterday. that set up speculation if doug burgum could be named as a former presidents running mates. trump denied airport nikki haley's in the running. madeline has more on the stakes for the former president. >> told her president thomas bullish about his prospects in new jersey. in those not considered a battleground state. his team is pointing to the crowd of people have gathered in wildwood saturday as this bite of his momentum in the garden state. proximity to philadelphia only about 90 minutes away, also led the campaign to reach voters and what is considered a key swing state. trump to president biden issues like the economy, immigration, the protest song college campuses a message to supporters and things will resignation with voters in the area here's trump promising tax cuts across the board if he wins and november.
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>> instead of a biden tax hike i will give you a trump middle-class, upper-class, lower-class, business class big tax cut. you are going to have the biggest tax cut. we were set to do that. we are all set to do it grips up rick'snorth dakota governor p presidential candidate doug burgum spoke before trump took the stage raising speculation he could be on trump's vp shortlist. >> he made his money and technology but probably knows more about energy than anyone i know. so get ready for something, okay, just get ready. because it is unclear what trump alluded to it he told the crowd to get ready. campaign spokespersons on fox and friends this when it comes to the former presidents pick for a running mate. >> president trump said he will make his decision later this summer. in true president trump fashion he will go directly to the american people to do that. there's a lot of great options on the table. >> trump claims nikki haley's
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not among those options for the former president dismissed the chances of a trump/haley ticket on "truth social" over the weekend. in washington fox news it. eric: controlled explosion on part of the collapsed key bridge and baltimore has been postponed for the second time into days. engineers are planning to use explosives on the span that landed on the container ship when it crashed into the bridge back in march. the explosion is planned for tomorrow and will hopefully make it easier to free that ship so it could be moved out of the harbor so far workers have removed 6000 tons of iron and concrete from the sites. they also recover the bodies of all six construction workers who were killed when the bridge collapsed. eric: migrant crisis heating up at the southern border plate will have no details on the shocking number of got a ways who officials say are slipping past law enforcement and they claim disappearing into our country. fox news live continues on thiss
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>> why somebody would evade arrest by border patrol knowing they're going to be caught and released should scare dhec out of everybody. because the people that are evading border patrol are someone or something that is
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going to do us harm. so we do not have a clue of who these people are other than just using statistics to say there probably not people we want in this country. arthel: retired chief of border patrol agent chris klem and expressing major concern over the rise and migrant got a ways. those are seen crossing the border but are not captured by officials. multiple cbp sources tell fox news that so far this fiscal year approximately 175,000 known and got away's were recorded. averaging about 800 per day. arizona congresswoman debbie left a member of the house of border security caucus joins us now. congresswoman, first if i could get your reaction to his comments? >> it is very disturbing. it is a dangerous situation and it is preventable. president biden has caused this crisis and it is absolutely alarming. i think it is a matter of time
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before we have a terrorist attack inside of our nation because of these illegal immigrants we do not even know who are in here. arthel: it by asking who is coming and can you tell us anything about the demo and the profile of these people? >> i went down to the board about three weeks ago. down in arizona and so many of the border patrol officers have to process all the illegal immigrants that are coming. there are very few guarding the border. 175,000 got a ways is really a low number i bet it is two or three times more than that because they don't know who's getting away. you combine that with a 25000 chinese nationals 85% of which are military age. this is a really dangerous situation. the border patrol also told me there are people crossing that do not have documents with them. and so they just give them a
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name it. these people could be any one. as we have seen a number of these people are being arrested for rape, child abuse, and other crimes in our country that have been released into our country. it is very dangerous. preventable and elections have consequences. arthel: as a board member of the board security caucus yourself can you tell us what you're your caucusis currently working? >> oh well, we are currently continuing to work on legislation at the congressional level. unfortunately the senate has not taken up the house hr to which is a great order security bill. that if enacted would decrease the number of people crossing the border. it would reinstate remain and mexico policy for all of those waiting for asylum could do so in a safe country without being let into the united states. it would lead to the
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construction of the border wall and we do other things like increase the claim for asylum the standard for claims for asylum. all of these things are president biden could do right now but he refuses to do so and this is causing a hugely dangerous situation. arthel: dangerous indeed. that seems like either my specific line items or not nothing at all. what is it going to take to get consequential border security laws and a lasting immigration reform? what do you say to the american people who see a pile of politics getting in the way of any action? >> i say elections have consequences. date one when president biden got an office he stopped construction of the border wall. then he got rid of remain and mexico and all of the other policies that were working under president trump. he could do all of this right now without any legislation. he could do a number of things
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and undo his executive orders and we would have a more secure border but he is not. he is giving more incentives to illegal immigrants. obamacare to people who are here illegally and other incentives he is giving to them. this is an incentive for more and more illegals to come over. this is something he can undo and he should do it. arthel: republican congressman of texas briefly told fox news quote the problem is the republicans, not the democrats. we know how the democrats are going to vote. it's too many of my republican colleagues who are unwilling to vote to secure the border. what you say to that? >> i totally disagree with them. we passed all of the republicans at last year hr two. it was a very successful border security legislation. every single republican that i remember it voted for it and it passed under the house of
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representatives. it's sitting in the senate. chuck schumer will not hear it would solve the border crisis problem and things would be better we would not have the dangerous situation if they would pass that bill and i encourage the senate to do so. or president biden to undo has a reckless executive orders that have opened up the border. the open border policy is causing these problems right now. arthel: of course you know we had the democratic politician here they would disagree with you but it is a dangerous situation. we do hope as a whole congress can get it solved the problem solved and get us to safety again. i really appreciate your time is good to see again congress meant debbie lesko thank you so much. >> thank you. eric: u.s. is trying to southern stronghold of rafah researching and other parts of the gaza
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strip. will have the latest on the situation straight ahead here on fox news live. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did.
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arthel: the estranged wife of an american soldier arrested in russia said she saw him get attacked by a russian woman believed to be his girlfriend for this happened months before his arrest. staff sgt gordon black made a surprise video call to his wife and their 6-year-old daughter from south korea paid that is when the woman suddenly attacked him on camera. blacks wife and her lawyer spoke to reuters about the incident and how their daughter is coping with his arrest. >> at some point this escalated into where she pulled a knife on him. and the altercation was dramatically at which point you had cut off the call at that point, is that correct yes to stastand by it, her dad did this
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she's expecting him to come home. and now she is just very distraught. >> pentagon says a black is in a pretrial detention facility part he will stay there until his next hearing. no date has been set for that. eric: as you can see israel expanding by the administrationn reportedly stepping up efforts to invent a full-scale ground operation there. stephanie bennett live in london with maura will be can expect. hi stephanie. >> he is the biden administration is offering israel very important intelligence information. but only if they're going to stop invading rafah for the "washington post" is reporting the information could help the
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military pinpoint the location of hamas leaders and find the group's hidden tunnels. according to four people for me withu.s. this comes as the military as more evacuations from rafah here's antony blinken talking to "face the nation." >> we said we cannot and will not supported operation in rafah a major military operation and the absence of a credible plan to protect civilians. >> is still not delivered it. >> israeli prime minister benjamin tried one it is military leaders say the operations are's two main goals to eliminate hamas and get the hostages back for it so far negotiations have failed to produce a second cease-fire. >> it prior to operations, we urge civilians to temporarily move toward military and areas and move away from the crossfire that hamas puts them in. our war is against hamas, not against the people of gaza. >> according to the main united nations agency aiding palestinians in gaza about 300,000 people have fled rafah
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over the past week. the city has held more than 1 million displaced people put this as fears are rising israel could launch a full-scale offensive in the city. there are few places ago. it's eight safe zone but is now home to more than 450,000 displaced palestinians and cannot take many more. >> we call upon arab countries the entire world to stop this war. but we want is not aid but just a cease-fire. >> meanwhile black smoke was seen early this morning as heavy fighting continues in northern gaza as well. a top israeli military spokesperson said that were carrying out airstrikes overnight hitting a refugee camp. palestinians there have also been told to leave and seek shelter elsewhere. eric: alright stephanie thanks so much. arthel: latest reports are that hamas seems to be regrouping and devastated northern gaza. even as the idf prepares to move into rafah in and the southbury democrat adam smith of the house
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armed services committee blames the gaza strip lack of a functioning government, listen. >> there needs to be a future for gaza. and that is not there. even in the sections of gaza that israel has cleared, hamas is coming back. what is netanyahu's a plan for the future? as with the president is pushing. he supports israel unequivocally but it's not going help israel of hamas comes back because there is no future for the palestinian people. >> let's bring it retired army colonel miles. he served as spokesman for the coalition to defeat isis and iraq and syria is now a senior fellow at that new alliance institute he joins us now from my rocket. we'll get to those comments in a moment but first of all, how is hamas reconstituting itself? have they stalled cease-fire talks to do just that? >> good evening and happy mother's day.
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hamas is showing some resilience in their defense of gaza. and their efforts to regroup are a continuation of their entire military tactics to operate in ways that are using tunnels or preparing for long-term defense in urban warfare. it is important for all of our viewers and policy makers to remember president netanyahu laid out in a christmas day op-ed in the "washington journal" heat will continue this mission until hamas is totally defeated. until there is eight safe zone that's occupied throughout northern gaza. and, until he is looking for the de- radicalization of palestinian people. this is eight long-term military mission by israel. arthel: that is it. of course you know about
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defeating a terrorist group. can israel wipe out hamas? if so, how can they do it? >> i will not be the first person to tell you that the continued bombing campaign in gaza, the starvation, the human suffering of more than a million people is likely to radicalize more people. ideology is difficult to defeat with bombs and physical attacks. there is likely to be long-term consequences and costs for israel as it moves into the final physical dip defeats an occupation phase of its campaign in gaza. arthel: okay, right now if i could i want to show a graphic reported idf ground operation and yesterday. we'll see slightly more teal blue near rafah also the little circle there rafah is where idf is advancing.
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the yellow is the humanitarian core door. brown are areas israel has not pushed into. and of course you all know colonel that hamas hides behind women and babies and uses them as human shields. is it possible to spare and save the lives of the 7 million palestinians crammed into rafah? >> is more than just the palestinians crammed into rafah who are at risk. there is already human suffering in camps throughout the southern part of gaza. now on humanitarian assistance this has been much debated but let's all be very clear if there is a cease fire on all sides we would not have such a need to find sophisticated ways for humanitarian assistance. including the u.s. and military joint logistics of the short mission. so, what is most import the
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groups that can influence the leaders in gaza as well as israel is to have an immediate cease-fire bring all this to an end and alleviate all of the human suffering among the hundreds of thousands of gazans. arthel: hamas is not agreeing to a cease-fire. at the top of the segment, congressman adam smith said prime minister netanyahu has no plan for the future of gaza. and there needs to be one. do you agree? and what does the future gaza look like? >> and prime minister netanyahu has described his plan for the future of gaza. that is a gaza where there will not be military attacks into israel. and a gauze that will there will not be lethal aid, arms, weapons and other contraband that is coming from the south into gaza to arm hamas or other terrorist groups that might pop up. i think that is his focus. that is what netanyahu has laid
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out. he must feel the consequences of the ruins of gaza. arthel: i have a follow-up to that but i have limited time zone to ask this as my final. what about the hostages? will they be set free? >> interestingly enough prime minister netanyahu outset for his plant he did not actually mention hostages. presumably though hamas will release hostages at the conclusion of this ongoing kinetic attack. the warfare between the two sides. having public in negotiations and agreements to release hostages would cause the world to begin to press more towards a cease-fire. and potentially put pressure on israel to bring this all to a conclusion. five retired myles caggins thank
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you for joining us. >> happy too. eric: from my rock to washington more drama on capitol hill this past week. member of the squad, firing back after a resolution was found against herbert house speaker mike johnson is trying to navigate the house with a razor thin majority. >> without a primary to win directs progressive congresswoman firing back at republican congressman don bacon after he filed a censure resolution against her for calling some jewish students approached genocide. >> we should not have to tolerate anti-semitism or bigotry for all jewish students when they are pro- genocide or anti- genocide bigwigs no student should be called pro- genocide is robert wicks of and bacon said speaker mike johnson said they support the condemnation but is not scheduled a vote yet. that might be because johnson finds himself in choppy political water.
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he could only lose one republican on any future vote wednesday night he lost the confidence of at least three as they tried to oust him. even former president trump weight and on the peculiar moment on "truth social" warning republicans that if they showed disunity, which will be portrayed as ks it could cost him the election. and because it democrats through johnson a lifeline that could dissuade him from punishing one of their own. on the other hand the left is a deeply divided over the war and pro- palestinian protest happening on college campuses. last year. >> when she chanced from the river to the sea she believes it. >> 22 democrats join house republicans to sentient michigan representative over her remarks over israel that gives bacon hope that democrats will once again across party lines a. cooks don't see this as a republican or democrat issue they stand for jewish americans.
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as you age is to exercise and to eat right. but what i've learned is that you can't outrun a bad diet. the easiest thing about doing prolon is you don't have to prepare for it, it's all done for you. you just open the box, and there it is. since prolon, i feel healthier and as energetic as i ever have in my whole life. and i believe prolon has made that possible. with homes that have been given to, catastrophically injured veterans, first responders, gold star families. for a groundbreaking of their amenity center. every aspect of this building has been designed with accessibility in mind. i saw on the blueprints, it looks amazing. this is going to have a rehabilitation center aquatic therapy, it■s going to have recreational therapy. it■s going to have art therapy. we've got a fitness center. we've got pools that have ramp access for all of our residents to be able to use them. we've got a game room for the kids. we've got an indoor gymnasium, a full size movie theater in here.
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two outdoor kitchens fully equipped with propane grills and refrigerators we got an entire children's neverland village, got a splash down center for the kids. you name it. we've built it here. until you see it yourself, you will not know how far your eleven dollar donation goes. i'm really looking forward to the adaptable workout equipment. not being able to have to try to find a place that can accommodate the wheels. i look forward to the pool and probably the clubhouse i'm hoping that this village will allow us to share and open up more. if more people are talking about communities like this, we■ll develop communities like this. and it■s not something special it becomes the norm. it■s going to be a lot of interaction with other veterans, which is good for me. they understand where i'm coming from. i see it as the center, you know it■s a beacon right here of, the american people has backed through tunnel to towers you see where every bit of your money goes.
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i donate so they should donate to i really am honored to having a house here. when i was presented with the opportunity to work for them it was a no brainer for me. this is not possible without donor support. to help people like me in your community go to and give eleven dollars a month. click so many people fearing artificial intelligence will take people's jobs, one tech at companies using ai to make the workplace safer for us humans. another incentive for employers they say to reduce workers compensation claims. clottey is a live event los angeles with more on how ai can help. >> that is right, ai can help it artificial intelligence now being used in factories and warehouses. help drunk forklifts, and other heavy machinery.
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we checked out the analytics being used outside of sacramento. software made by science processes video recorded on the company's existing security cameras and then highlights the potential dangers. the colored boxes show where a worker almost tripped over steel beams or got too close to a moving forklift. >> it is giving them something obvious to look at. a true example rather than someone like me going in and saying hey you know you're not supposed to stand next to the little it is moving perc sofquicksoftware sees if a works hurting themselves for instance from lifting heavy loads the wrong way. >> it is a set of tools that help companies understand the risks their employees are exposed to. and really engineer that risk out of the facility to prevent accidents from happening. lexi technology scans thousands of hours of visual data and offers recommendations on ways to improve safety.
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there is no facial recognition here. the idea is not to punish anyone but rather to reduce accidents and lower workers comp claims depending on the size of the area being monitored the price tag ranges from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars. some workplace accidents like a back injury it can cost more than that over time. a workplace death can run into the millions. employees we spoke to say they appreciate this added level of information. they said they could see where the hidden dangers are and learn how to avoid them to get home safe. eric: seems like a great way to keep workers a safer, claudia thank you. arthel: a big celebration south beach as miami hosts its first ever fl fleet week. fox news took part in some of the fun which was a fly along in the fun which was a fly along in a marine helicopter. marine helicopter. that is coming 's p next. y thur.
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with email, sms and social posts all in one place. so you still have time to make someone's day. start today at at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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in. arthel: you sound so good. patriotism is in full swing in miami as a city host its first ever fleet week. we have more on the festivities. >> 's full steam ahead for the first ever miami fleet week. thousands of sailors and marines were given a warm welcome into south florida. >> people on the highway stopping to blow their horns and take pictures. you have sailors that were up there crying. >> a fox news got a unique first-hand look at the weeks festivities bite landing aboard the uss in style. after eight month deployment in the middle east the crew invited thousands of people to explore
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and interact on board. >> altogether progress this week was packed full of events that give the public a closer look at the capabilities of our maritime forces. >> sgt orlando here they are all stipends are going to get me too gilly suit so when we have to do first? lexus tradition each one of these guys make certain gilly suit parental switch at the fox hat. >> there it is. and we will use these for the maneuver and stay hidden. >> they explored the miami sites immersing themselves in the culture and interacting with the community. >> challenge yourself to look out for one another provokes a fleet week is largely used as a tool to inspire young talents. >> at the highest in the senior member and the navy. look at me as an example and know you can could go as far au want too. >> a successful inaugural event full of pomp and circumstance in the sunshine state fostered
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appreciation and excellence for our stars & stripes. and miami fox news. eric: that's absolutely wonderful but happy mother's day of course to all the mothers and especially to ms. doris. arthel: happy mother's day mom into my aunt and my nanny i 3 think sh e is watching too.r gl that is my godmother. f joinn scott. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at feeling ughh from a backed up gut? ughh. miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. free your gut and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try mirafiber gummies. this is the all-new tempur-pedic adapt mattress. and we designed it to help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because our most advanced, infinitely adaptable tempur material eases your pressure points,
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