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tv   Korean War Medal of Honor Awardee Lying in Honor Ceremony  CSPAN  May 12, 2024 3:00am-3:27am EDT

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would you agree with me?
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eternal god, we pause in this moment from all that attempts to distract our minds and thwart our sense of purpose, to give due and proper tribute to one whose life of service and acts of selfless sacrifice inspire us to appreciate what matters in calling forth a young man from tifton, georgia, to take his place in history, you once again revealed to us that the uncommon valor of colonel ralph puckett, jr was a common virtue shared by so many in that greatest of generations. as we honor then first lieutenant puckett's acts of gallantry and intrepidly that distinguished him on hill to o5, may we also take note of the humble leadership and devotion to duty he displayed throughout his lifetime in this ceremony, where we laid to rest a man who would not rest from living every day with presence and purpose,
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who made a lifetime of sharing, unequaled dedication to this country, ever inspiring countless people with his dauntless will quicken within us not just admiration, but aspiration, not just gratitude, but grit to live our part in upholding colonel puckett's legacy in this may, we continue to salute this hero's service and give enduring honor for his sacrifice in the strength of your name, we pray. amen. be seated, everyone.
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dear god, don't let me get a bunch of good guys killed. that's how the man we honor today. a well-trained profession and a soldier rated the task before him as he assumed command of the eighth army ranger company in 1950, with humility, with clear eyes about the horrors of war. by november of that year, the popular ss summit of the conflict on the korean peninsula was highly optimistic. general macarthur himself thought he could have american gi at home for christmas. but for first lieutenant ralph
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puckett and the 50 rangers under his command, the path home turned out to be much less rosy ahead of them. it was a crucible of staggering odds, a along the front line near the chinese border, u.s. forces in ralph puckett jr sector were outnumbered. 3 to 2. but on the hill to zero of where his small company would take a stand. more than a mile from the nearest reinforcements, they were outnumbered. 10 to 1. it's difficult to imagine a starker embodiment of the motto rangers lead the way, perhaps on over 25th, 1950, ralph puckett jr repeated the simple prayer he
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offered when he took command. don't let me get a bunch of good guys killed. perhaps he asked for the strength, the courage and the resolve to discharge his duty and lead his men with honor. with the benefit of hindsight, all of us here today know that prayer was granted. ralph puckett were our nation's highest military decoration. and in the hearts of generations of soldiers to come, the courage and self-sacrifice that earned that honor will be this great man. eternal legacy. the man who volunteered for command, who repeatedly risk his own life to defend his position and rally his men and order them
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to safety without him. who, in the words of the prophet isaiah, said here are my sin, mate. today, the senate joins roche by training their daughter, martha. their son thomas. and the entire puckett family in remembrance of an extraordinary american who it is an honor to welcome. colonel ralph puckett. junior to the capital. and we want to welcome all of our visitors for this important and solemn occasion. it is our great honor to be a part of it. as speaker of the house, it is my privilege to show the houses profound gratitude for colonel
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puckett and all of our korean war veterans. colonel puckett's motto was simple he said it this way. this is his quote. be there when the going gets tough, when there's cold weather, rainy weather, somebody shooting at you hot. you're going without food, whatever it is, be there. and on that cold day in november, 1950. colonel puckett was there for his men and his country. and today, america gets to show our things to the last surviving medal of honor recipient from the korean war. and we all get a chance to be there for the colonel and his family. honoring his life and sacrifice in these hallowed halls of american democracy. colonel puckett was a u.s. army ranger and a veteran of the korean war and the vietnam wars for his contribution during his 22 years of service in the army rangers. he received two silver stars,
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two bronze stars, five purple hearts, and the two highest awards for military valor. the distinguished service cross and the congressional medal of honor. and just a couple of months, my oldest son will head off to the naval academy. and while colonel puckett went to that other school, we won't mention it's my hope that that my son jack and the next generation of service members and war fighters learn from colonel puckett's example and aspire to the same great virtues of valor and honor and courage. many soldiers of the korean war, of course, paid the ultimate sacrifice. 7000 others remain unaccounted for, but a select few, like the colonel, went above and beyond the call of duty. we're joined today by several like colonel puckett. eight other medal of honor recipients and in their presence
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and in memory of colonel puckett, we ask ourselves, how did these men come to be so great? these heroes were forged by fire. they were built through great adversity. they were ordinary men. most of them had extra ornery things because they were driven by a profound sense of duty and self-sacrifice and faith that their cause was just that our values in our country were worth defending and that god would honor the inestimable value of their personal commitments. the soldiers of the korean war did the right thing, even at great cost to themselves and theirs is an example we should all admire and aspire to. so today we join jeannie and martha and thomas and the entire puckett family to pay tribute to colonel puckett and all the great men who have gone before us. and we pray that the lord remember our dead and those who showed the greatest form of love. those who laid down their life
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for their friends. and. country. the impos soldiery with. survived the unbeatable full. to bear with us and whose saw sorrow to run the parade and did not go home to i'd beyond right wrong. to all your and chased problem all over. to try your arms until we very
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reach beyond reach almost all. this is my cause to follow that. oh, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far to fight for the right without question or cause to be willing to march into hell for heavenly equal. oh. 090i only meet through this floor real squirm. that's my hold who lives small and calm when i'm laid to my
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word. uh oh. and the world will be better for this. one man scorned that cover of which scorned. skills to roll with his last ounce of courage to reach, feel, reach of a star. oh, oh, oh.
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oh. oh. move slowly. oh.
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la la la la la la la la la. he misunderstood. oh, his. is. where.
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oh. oh, i. oh, oh.
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his big oh, oh. oh. oh. oh, sweet. oh, did. not refer. no, oh. oh, oh oh, sure.
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oh. oh, oh. if you would please pray with me. holy lord, as we depart this sacred hall of national honor, having commemorated life, well lived and a duty so faithfully discharged, may we be inspired by colonel ralph puckett? junior's extraordinary and courageous example of character driven leadership that we would take a firm hold of the baton you now pass from him to us. would that with the same presence of mind, draw the
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enemy's fire from our compatriots? would that we likewise step up and take charge in such a way that inspires unfailing desire and perseverance to resist the evils that threaten to overtake us? would that we like this humble american? no fear, no one fear. no situation, fear, no adversary. knowing that you have called us each to go forth, to serve and our time with the same valor and selflessness. now, grant colonel ralph puckett rest from his labors and to him your faithful servant. grant him the reward of your own. well done in your merciful name, we pray. amen.
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