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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the spousal surround tabaya and northern gauze, in between is really forces and tell us thing and find the hello again, understands the paying. this is out of their life and also coming 7 months of war and more than 35000 palestinians killed and calls us as well. what is about to ations in the north and in the south? these 2 people have been killed and russia often ukrainian strength on
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a residential building in the border city of belgrade. several people off your truck still under the rubble tops. i'm come on in the front job probing. most of the countries bred foss. kid, there's been a bump for hardware, we like because of an important standard bomber here that they're going through news news. while we begin, and garza where the is really minute tree is moving data into northern and southern parts of the strip. these are some of the latest picture books from the israel cause and border strikes have been targeting residential neighborhoods. this all comes as the you and human rights chief says, a full scale is rarely assault on ross that cannot take place. calling on all states with influence to do more to preventive. homeless on her husband is really forces have been ramping off their strikes on both northern and southern parts of
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the strip. let's take a closer look out to the new offensive launched in japan. yet in northern gauze, though, after leveling much of it during an earlier assault, is really troops have renewed strikes on the entire area. on saturday, these really army dropped leaflets with evacuation orders for both japan. yeah. and they blah, here. and on sunday, there's been more strikes along with fierce battles between is really forces and palestinian resistance fighters. israel's military says you're bad. yeah. is a dangerous combat sound. and that the operation here is in order to prevent him, us from regrouping means is what was the cause of its in recent weeks, we have identified the terms behind us to restore its military capabilities injured by there. and we are working to dismantle these attempts. israel's offensive in the north has forcibly displaced tens of thousands of palestinians who were already
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pushed out of other parts of gone. so as well, deserves honest, al sharif has been to a residential area in jamalia. that was it. and one of the many is ready strikes to talk to northern garza. how about friday? yeah, i mean, this is really air strikes up, or osh missiles was fired. truffles flying around. another project missiles followed in the same area. the new york, a series of airstrikes is carried out by israeli war, plains, targeting residential homes on elsie corrode, and jamalia refugee camp. as a result, a number of homes were leveled. a paramedic was injured in the attack. as we speak, other paramedics are coming here to search for survivors and recover victims bodies . so you know, hopefully you, you've done. however, this task is fraught with danger. that is really war. planes are still attacking this part of devalue refugee camp. the
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this is the 3rd wave of air strikes, targeting the same area is really we're playing, inspiring on journalist paramedics and civil defense team, helping victims from the 1st 2 attacks. the. this is i'll take a road east of triple a refugee camp as we speak. a 4th attack is unfolding on their non stop is really strikes on residential homes. dozens of civilians were killed paramedics and civil defense members as well. these really have been carpet following this area for hours. the i think i'm glad to squeeze it this way. the air strikes on homes and your value refugee camp have been taking place continuously since the morning is really work, plaintive and pounding various parts of the cap, even as we speak. these are the air strikes, continue, albany, and i mean out of the study of the north, i'll tell you. it is also in giovanni and he sent us this update. the overall
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situation here, nothing does fit remains get desperately or as the forces is patient behind. they are what's called a street which which is considered in the center of nevada can. and these really forces also use microphones in order to evacuate civilians who are living in that area develop shooting and they are forcing people to evacuate under the ongoing, functioning in that area. so far come out. one was received about 6 people's have been killed by those very forces and about 25 got injured in southern gaza. is there any attacks on the city of rough or have already forced more than 300000 displaced palestinians to flee? the majority of them has been heading north and they're all by law and the central part of the strip. that's where honey, my for that now joins me from. he's just outside the city's main house, sending me the lock. so hospital i know results. as in general,
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i have been stretched incredibly, incredibly since what have you been hearing from people who have been forced to free that the the yes that's the more people keep pouring into the central area all the way from the central part. then the southern central part of the, of dropbox city has more evacuation orders have been issued by these really monitor . but this time, these evacuation orders are taking place under heavy artillery spelling as well as air strikes, pushing people to leave. this is the quite intimidating for people who thought the western part of the city is part of the designated safe zone. as it stated earlier, at the initial weeks of the work was when people were told to evacuated the western part of han unit and drop. i stated as part of the mazda area, but right now, it's coming under a heavy artillery and heavy bombardment can pitts forcing people,
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do evacuated. now every evacuation has its own challenges, and difficult is a created by the condition. it's the worst then every 3 of us evacuation people describe the hoard that the had to leave without digging any of their belongings, without being able to take some of the things that could be helpful along the way for them to the new location. they describe the frustration over the on 13, it is going on, go into an area that they understand. it has no infrastructure, no facilities, and the in the past experience, the past 7 months were people evacuated in the day of loss evacuations, or particularly western part of the city evacuated in this place. family had to start from scratch, from setting up their tents into providing for their families and loved ones, as well as making sure they have the food supplies and the water and supplies necessarily to keep everyone i live right now. it's happening again. they're gonna start from scratch every thing to keep themselves surviving. however,
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we know did it by like city is a small city. it is already over crowded with many of the displays families in factories who flipped the northern part garza city. a more reason that from hon. eunice and another part of a new site, right, refuge account when it was a storm bite is really military. so over at crowded spaces here, no infrastructure, no facilities capable of accommodating this large number of people. and that's part of the uncertainty going on, increasing the level of the pressure on people who don't know where to go. where else to go right now as the entire gaza strip is coming on safe and keep evolving into more of a killing box as it's been controlled by these really share force. what is that with all the very latest for us from dental bala and the central part of the goal? is this trip? thank you, honey. i was put to talk to him a honda to hear, he's an orthopedic surgeon, whose country volunteering and also with fudge of scientific
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a chassis organization. he spoke to me on the phone from ross and described what he's been witnessing, the shovel streams of patients. yeah. and so you have the acute injuries that are coming in and these can range from blocks, injuries of people and all over that bodies space for the injuries. you have shop lo injuries that come through, letting them cut through, none of them, but the souls. and also, and trump dump mil oregon's incorrectly golden as well. you have some really horrific injuries where people come into the now not the recognizable as a human being anymore. they are simply lump sum flesh that obviously quite, you know, has only to be tied um, and this not only exists for the adults, but also for children. it is quite or effect with ms 1st hand. i don't you ever seen that sort of level of trauma on the photos on seeing and then that should it's,
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you know, quite perfect. i've seen women and children as well as the men all being cut down to no preference. so one demographic over the other. i think many people are being caught up in this initial i think the other, the other aspect is to consider is many people. oh, i don't know a many of the victims, though, i don't know. uh yeah. and so go immediately to the moultrie, as well as the fact that i'm going into is could look evacuate. many of the injured likes to happen, often at night with people like quickbooks here. and no one can get to these people . so it's quite a while me experience and i feel like we're playing all best to do what we can i move that we limited resources, the ultimate goal? is that living a breaking point? as far as i can send, in terms of both personnel and supplies, and we're really coming to a desperate situation. now,
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of all the un human rights chief all could talk, has expressed his concern about the intensifying as strikes and is ready plans for a full scale assault on russell. i have repeatedly expressed my alarm about the catastrophic impact of a possible full scale defensive on rough uh, including the possibility of uh, the trusted declines. i can see no way that the latest evacuation order is much less afford assault in an area with an extremely dense presence of civilians can be reconciled with the binding requirements of international but it's there and will introduce the 2 sets of binding provisional measures, ordered by the international court of justice and in united states. meanwhile, the secretary of state has been speaking about israel is increased to me that she activity in gaza that speak to mike, how he's across this forest from washington dc. mike, just me blinking has been doing some of the culture around the tell us what he's been talking about. well, the 2nd real estate has also been defending the report that his department produced
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in recent days and which had held though it was reasonable to assume that israel used width and said to contravene international in human standing role. this does not amount to enough to stop h shipments to israel. this is a highly contentious, controversial report which has been requested by the white house months ago. so he spent much of the day defending his department's summary in that particular report . but he was also austin, one interview about the red line that president biden referred to recently with regard to is riley threats offered mess of operation in rough. uh, this is what the secretary of the state had to say on that matter. the 1st we have been holding back and we're in active conversations with israel, about the provision of heavy or high payload weapons of large bombs. because of the concern that we have about the effect these weapons can have when they're using
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a dense urban environment like profit, we're discussing that with his real right now. second, with the present, it said is that if israel goes in with a major military operation, rasa, in that case, there are certain systems that we will not provide is real. that would aid a that, that effort because it's something that we do not want to be part of given the damage that it would do to civilians. and again, not to achieve a durable, lasting effect, the results for his real and for security. that's what the president said. we said that in conversations with our as really partners and now one, the shipment of arms 2 is row was put on hold. and that is the weapons that the 2nd state was referring to, the high impact bombs, 2000 pound bombs, that is still under review, according to both the pentagon and the state department. however, the transfer of other weapons is going ahead as normal. like kind of the following,
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what is that for us from washington d. c. thank you mike. well, let's bring in again our senior political. i'm the smell in the shower. he joins me here and doha studio, bringing in that interview also mentioned the resurgence of mass. i was interested to see my, when he talked about how even with a full scale assault on rafa, that would still be thousands of on time off site is left and that there was no problems of the day off to is the us increasingly disappointed with israel's military program. oh, absolutely. accidentally it's been, it's been disappointed for a good number of weeks if not months. in fact, ever since that fallout between prism biden and primers, and as a now back in february, it was clear that the united states was not looking favorably at the war while continuously supporting the war. and i think it's clear for americans, including the american stablish, meant that there is no ending of having us. i think um, there's also become
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a clear that the day after would it be perhaps an insurgency in gaza, or a no man's land which will eventually produce and then so it's just you have sort or chaos and so on. so whatever these writers are looking to do, and as not working on whatever they think of as a day after it's not working and the united states was a bit of a distance. but a bit of experience, a bit of history is able to advise, is right about why they needed to wind this more down several weeks if not months ago. and why they need to accept the ceasefire and why they need to start thinking about the day after and why they need not anger out of versions on so forth. all that stuff. so certainly sounds like for us has face so suddenly is committed to the negotiations around the ceasefire. what to reading of of how that's going given what we're seeing now in rafa it's not going to, it's not going anywhere. and clearly from what secretary blanket has said, it's like as if there are that on the box because he keeps talking about how much
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giving up the captives of this. there's no deal that was almost signed if it weren't for is really a reduction and eventually blinking blessing of his reading of the junction. hence, once again we'll go back to me for sure. so and then the other day, there's something about lincoln's approach to this issue, which i think sometimes could be new ones with like, by them sized by them. as the president apparently has a bit of a leeway, he can sometimes stop in more cans or he is kind of older. sometimes word slip like indiscriminate. is there any indiscriminately, bombs, guys, or it cannot? there is a red line. now, is interesting. again, why didn't says red line, because that is what we don't do will have red lice for us, right. i think that there's a lot of my fish psyche. i think every time anyone says read because he's orange or yellow or green or something, right. he doesn't see that this could be uh, red line squares or he doesn't, right?
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and 2nd, he doesn't see that there's any double stand this with his or as he sees that there was only one is i understand the best, the americans started. that's when it comes to guys. so that's why in the report or when they talk about the incidence, not the patterns, not the patterns of human rights violations of war crimes. also on driving in genocide when he talks about this and what these writers are investigating it, pence, what, what, why should we, you know, intervene when these rise themselves onto it as if is there any standards of interest they can thing themselves and their own crimes is good enough for the united states to continue to supply 2000 pound weapons, which they are still reviewing and considering doing no, i'm just trying to live at best now. thank you for joining us again. fall still ahead here on out as here. india is general election, which is a health ways when millions of versus the taking the
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the hello. we'll see plenty of golden sun shot across the good pots of northern and central china. right. but the next couple of days, what the weather is for the south and for a split even, hey, we will see this weather system make its way by the race was brought. this guys come back in behind. lot the shows for time, the free monday across the good parts of the japan setting east. and there is the point you could say some flash flooding is the system makes its way out into the walls, is that you guys apply to skies as we go on through tuesday. won't sunshine across the good parts of the tree and potentially 31 celsius and by doing well about the average here. so the temperature with respect to say in july i warm sunshine for central and southern passed by the state for your showers, the creeping the way down into vietnam because not shelby and i try to we have got some live the showers could cause
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a little bit of flash flooding from time to time. louse thailand, seeing some big down pools. i'm very outbreaks. so it could cause a little bit of disruption, $1.00 to $2.00 showers to and again like could be on the shop side for the philippines. then the usual scattering of showers, of course malaysia and indonesia could scatter yourselves to across the south asia . that's just bringing those temperatures down a little really heavy rain coming in just for lack of for time. and again, that could cause some like last flooding. the now let me tell you almost suffice. cold result, the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only electric very close here, like coming here, sits on within large tears faced with a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also visit
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somebody valley equal, restored to mean gun the the the welcome back to watching else 0. let's remind you about top stories, bethel, these really all me is carrying out intense strikes and the jamalia refugee camps, annual gonzalez'. it says it wants to present from us fighters from regrouping. hundreds of people are fleeing that area. meanwhile, is there any pains also, bombing rafa and southern gaza? you an agency for palestinian refugees and says $300000.00 palestinians have now set divide that you and human rights chief is asking all countries to prevent a full scale assault on the area.
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the it says it's moved, 4000 people to safety and the call key region of the heavy fighting. the video showed emergency workers moving people near the border. russian forces say they've now occupied 9 villages, as they advanced by the into that area. your training president is saying that fest bottles for taking place and 7 villages on saturday. well, let's take a closer look at the baffled lines as they stand right now in ukraine. russia, it controls the tired treat, locked in red bed. now that area hasn't changed much since the ukranian counter offensive in june of last year. both sides have large numbers of troops stationed along the front lines and to go that close to, you can see the lines of control in the khaki region. russia has now become attacking from the north, across that border while that speak to john home,
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and he joins me now from the ukrainian capital to join you. and i've been talking about this russian defensive across that northern border for a few days. now just how much headway have they made so phone as well. they've got a few kilometers into you crying for that significant. not just because of the territory because of what it means. and one of the things that it means is in just 10 kilometers a certain mole. and then that be we've been showing distance of hon. key city, that's the 2nd largest city in ukraine for what it also means is that, that ukraine is already stretched paper stating on various different sides of the front. and it will presumably have to die. but so just from other areas where they could be and send them to that khaki region. so it's plugging a gap so that might be right with the front line. and actually the commander in chief put out a statement on telegram a little bit earlier, which he said that the situations tents that it's worse and this week in the heart
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of kate. but he also talks about of the several different areas of the front line in which russian troops were trying to advance as well. he mentioned the stress of yeah, that's been a time. it's been a strategic objective for russian forces to some time. he said device to trying to take that. so this is a huge problem for you crying that being stretched been at the outline, the outcomes that waiting for weapons from the united states. i'm from europe. what be a commander of the on forces said, is that the defense is a holding for now. they're obviously not holding completely in the hockey region because there's now 7 villages that ukraine says it being full over. just a day ago it was 5 villages that it was being photo eva, the regional government, the there in hockey, this site that the conflict that the, the contested territory is widening. but overall, the chief beyond forces says that those defenses are holding it remains to be seen over the coming days. what's gonna happen?
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and if brushing policies will be able to advance the townhome, though it's a very nice hist for us from new canyon capital kids. thank you, john. well, on the russian side of the board, ukrainian missile attack has killed. we understand now at least 6 people in the city of belgrade. 2 children are also among at least 19 wounded parts of an apartment blocks. as you see that i collapsed a few hours off to the blog post. jabari has, who was a must go rest. remember that these kinds of attacks in belgrade are not new. they're becoming increasingly more frequent over the past few months. but this is certainly one of the biggest attacks that we've seen over the past few weeks. and according to officials in belgrade regions, this attack took place on this residential complex around 1130 local time on sunday morning and uh there is still ever search and rescue effort that is continuing there still a security officials on the scene and they are pulling people from under the rubble
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both dead and alive. we've been hearing from the foreign ministry spokesperson, maria's heart of who is called. it's a bloody link in the chain of crimes of the cube regime. and she is insisting that this is a violation of international law. we also understand that the russian president, vladimir put in has been brief about this latest attack in belgrade, and according to the criminal spokesperson, dimitri pest called at the updates are being delivered to the president's hour by hour and a task of also called this attack. a barbaric act and the feeling here is that as far as the so called offensive into harkey by russian forces continue. these kinds of attacks by ukrainian forces across the border into belgrade will also increase the india is general election, has now reached the half way point. it's
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a 7 phase election process which last more than 6 weeks, maybe a 1000000000 people are eligible to take pause. the indian government has failed to give these as 12 correspondents to cover the story. so with imposing on the selection from outside, the country comes on the how much reports use the it's the half we bought the indian suite long, 7 face general election. tens of millions of people have been voting since last month. and the candidates competing for every vote political and then the c panel will be crucial in this election. we have turned out which is lower than last time i'm nor then both was expected in the north, south, west, east of the country. don't seem to be overwhelmingly enthusiastic to bring mister low, the back to power in an actual if you know pop with the acclamation prime minister in the movie is seeking a 35 yet mean office. he's going up against
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a condition the lions made up of the 16 parties. the position has accused moody of resorting to his speech against muslims in state are focusing on the issues facing boat is in order to appease disease can do most in space. they do some but the but by the god, what's helemano? moody, who called slims infantry discipline, a company denies deposition. you've got some undersea moody is trying to divide the electric to stay in power. the price of lee calling me india for this coming man. and we kind of get away from it a mr. will the has to have sort of, has the honest as to the problems he did. and this is the consequence movie is still drawing each crowds, wherever he goes. and he remains the feeble twins because it is to be a very popular figure. and if you, compared with him, any other political lead,
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the him of the opposition group, there will be no match. in fact, the 4th phase of voting starts on monday. and that meant to 6 members of funding and the results expected in june falls hams. and we just need to know the election now and voting is currently underway in catalonia, in spain, the governing separate has policy called the pull their off department failed to pass the regions budget and could reignite debates about cash, land independence, and even the stability of the national government, you might recall 6 years ago, the region how the referendum to break away from spain for the madrid didn't not recognize results. government has announced another $2000000000.00 and emergency funding for last week slots. the number of people killed in the state of rio grande data sold has increased a 143. and more than half
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a 1000000 people have also been displaced. authorities are still on the lot with the national weather, full cost of predicting even more rain nature on sunday people and will the last got us dawn of burying that dead? the off to flash flooding, killed at least 315 people. imagine c teams are still struggling to reach the west effected areas with bridges and roads destroyed. thousands of homes have also been damaged or destroyed and valuable live stock also washed away. the charities save the children has ones that are kind of stone, is one of the colleges tip nations by climate change to farmers and pockets. don, facing major losses. also the government imported millions of tons of wheat. the spice, a bump, a ha, this, it's front of the market, causing prices to full. come on high to travel, to punch our province known as pack of stones breadbasket to speak to found this thing on the bottom,
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or the protesting across the fine job province. despite projection for the record to harvest this yeah, the government is buying a suite. usually it for kids is around 20 percent of the fall, much growth at a fixed price to stabilize the market and prevent hoarding. this is buying less than half that i'm at the google, you know, we are compelled to protest for our rights as the government has failed to buy all week. and we are left with no other choice, but to burn our parties and not to cultivate again, the government reported 3400000 tons of weight at the end of march. industrial experts have criticized the $1000000.00 purchase thing at the game at the time. when bucket dunn was running low on foreign exchange reserves and ad receive short term international monetary fund, loan millions of farmers across bog, just, i know how they're staying there. we'd crops by day, why did they may not get a good price because what they say is that mismanagement of weight import out into
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the countryside. farmers are working around the clock to finish harvesting. it's manual work and everyone.


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