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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 29, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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it is us precedent, you will find the right to stand with this real with no red line, as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the 0 and 0, then yeah, it's good to have you with this. this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 16 minutes, the student led movement in the us against the wall and gas have garner support from local activists. as more universities joined the process, these really military targets gaza again killing at least 66 palestinians in the
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past 24 hours. searching for peace palestinians hold a full maps in southern gaza, calling for cease fire. and the growing humanitarian crisis in sudan, the fights for the armies lost strong hold in the door for region leaves at least 800000 people. display the plus 30 years of democracy officer is correspondence on the whole returns to his own mouth or to talk to students about self africa's past and future. the it's $22.00 g n t and we begin this news hour in the us where a student protesters are continuing their demand for an end to israel's nearly 7 month war on gaza. so these are pictures from new university in connecticut. there and in other states as well,
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local activities activists have joined students calling to their universities to cut sides with israel and are seeking an end to us military aids in the country. hundreds of demonstrators standing in solidarity with palestinians had been arrested so far. and fisher was standing by for us at the george washington university in washington, dc. first though, let's talk to john henry in the city university of new york. what's the scene there? john? l 0 he j in the life of approaches is a little bit different than here on day 4 at city university of new york, i saw how the warren guys has divided the jewish community. we saw a, a manual identified themselves as, or there's really soldier who said he had just come back from guns. busy trying to enter this complex, it was over in the corner there, we climbed up and they're very careful about security here. so he was pretty quickly ejected and then escorted away to the 5 police who said they were doing it
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for his own safety. and we also saw an orthodox rabbi who stood up here and burned his is really passport visetti and pro chest of what he called the injustice of the war in gaza. and we, we talked to some of those orthodox rabbis who said that they felt that what was happening in gaza was very much like what had happened. seduced in world war 2 and they thought the parallel was on was, was just too close for them. so what we've seen here today has been a really a buildup of, of this camp. we just saw a bunch of supplies come in, they're getting all their food donated. and if you look back in the corner there with that blue chart page, and that is a kitchen where they're feeding people, 3 meals a day on this donated food. so more and more this camp, like many of the others, is leaking like it's becoming
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a little more permanent. they do yoga classes in the morning. there are prayers over on the one. so i asked one student what when she was going to lead teachers, and this is my home now, 0 bit john, about that. the academic year ends for some students this and a few days. others, it's in a few weeks. the point being the academic year ends very soon. usually students go home. so do you expect these and cabinets will continue beyond, you know, the next few days or even just the month of may it's a good question. and i think some of the universities are just wanting to wait it out, and hope that these encampments either dissolve of their own will, or they will be able to come in and sweep people out when many of those students have left for home. but many issues we've talked to said they're, they're determined to be at these camps until they've achieved their demands. there of course, critical of the word, god forbid,
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they want the investment from the universities from everything that is invested in, in israel, or that is invested in more making materials that have helped the work. and regardless, so are things we've talked to say they're going to stay. all right, john henry and reporting from the city university in new york. thank you very much on this. go to alan fisher allen. you are at the george washington university in washington, dc. students from at least 8 universities have joined the this is the 4th day of protest if i'm not mistaken. what's it like now? it is, it does become a more of a need of permanence about this. so 1st of all, we have over my shoulder. the tense in the court, you know, they've been there since badly on thursday morning and there's probably about a dozen students they are. they're trying to make things slightly better for themselves. they have, they've installed showers, the hanging washing lines to be able to wash the clothes. and then you see the
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process that have sprung up on what would normally be on a sunday, a fairly busy street with tents which a people have been staying in over night. and there is a foot tent over. they are local businesses have been bringing food and drink and snacks for the people that are here. and there has been songs being played all of that building into an atmosphere that people hear about to leave. and there's no kind of threat from the police either. we're told that the university on friday morning wanted the metropolitan police. that's the mean police of the service in washington dc to clear the courtyard after they were called in. if you go back to 2020, remember when that was the metropolitan police, the clear lafayette square of peaceful black lives matter of protest so that donald trump could have a full show up in the show in, in the charts nearby. metropolitan police were absolutely hammered globally, and there was outrage locally that they would do this. and so the optics of moving into
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a university court yard to move young people who were peacefully protesting was not something that the middle of the met metropolitan police wanted to do. so that is why to degree the people in this way, i feel slightly c for and that's why there's a need of permanence about this and comp and alan official reporting from washington dc. thank you very much. now and, and phil lavelle has this update from university of north carolina at chapel hill. this process is now, well, i'm truly under why we are told by the organizers there was somebody in the region of 500 people here. i can say. so if you're the best of the students from this campus, from other universities, local activists table, they've just seen the social media post. i wanted to come here to show this on a darzy and this support for the people of garza. i'm the demands from the university students have a very clear number one. they want the university 5 best from products that support israel. number 2, they want to pull transparency about any investments that relates to israel. now
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the university is allowing these people to be here. it's like someone to be there for several days. if you look over that, you can see where they feed, sleeping. they are allowed to sleep on the restrict provide so i do not erect any time since, so they'll be there sleeping all throughout the night. i repeat it all throughout the tides, although i am told by some of the organizers of this protest, the university is trying other methods to get them out. for example, they have locked the doors to a number of these buildings, so nobody can use the restroom. also, they have stopped taking the trash away, so the students and outside of the area so that it doesn't start to smell. and number 3, they say they've been told by the universe and say that the sprinklers will be turned on at midnight. so they proactively put book kids over the spring close to stop them being french, but they say they've had about audio thought. this isn't watchable about the why the course. they will stay it for as long as it takes at the moment. there is no police presence. there are some purpose officer station on the outside of the area,
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just keeping an eye of things. but at the moment, this is a very, very peaceful process. a lot process, but a peaceful protest fil about. let's just say era. chapel hill, north carolina. the earlier i spoke to dr. joe stein, she's a presidential candidate with the green party and this year's us selection. she wasn't young, dozens of people arrested during a protest and support of palestinians at washington university on saturday evening . that's in st. louis. she says it's unacceptable that the university tried to shut down demonstrations for a movement which the vast majority of americans support. it was there to support the students be able to students and community members who were holding a peaceful, a really wonderful, gracious educational community gathering, exercising their 1st amendment rights of free speech and the right to gather and to petition for redress of grievances. it was
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a delightful gathering and not that far into it. the police basically attacked us and assaulted us as well as arrested us was. is there any bible obligation to do? you know, if you're violating any guidelines, rules or laws? well, we have a 1st amendment right to free sixty's and also to freedom of assembly. so even though those basic protections are there, most certainly weren't being violated, there was nothing going on that was disruptive, nothing that was blocking traffic or occupying a building. nothing of that nature whatsoever, and in fact, i was there as a presidential candidate. and along with myself, there were 2 members of the, or a alderman, the president of the alderman and another alderman, who were there to say the same thing that it was really unacceptable that the university was trying to shut down this. you know, this expression of our 1st amendment rights on a, on
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a policy matter where there's enormous international support in norm is national support with a vast majority of americans wanting to end the genocide and gaza, wanting to have a diplomatic solution. so this is like where the american people are and for that to be for bidden, as a subject of debate and discussion. and um, uh, you know, the exercise of free speech is just really unjust. was there any dialogue with university administrators beforehand? we were trying to, to compress the situ license, and to talk them out of the use of military police and to just allow the students to exercise the rights of free speech and peaceful assembly. so they were not occupying a building, they were not taking over and administrators office, they were not interfering with foot traffic. so we were trying to encourage the university to behave like a university, a center of dialogue and debate. and we, you know, said in so many words,
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the eyes of the world are watching you. this is not a good look for the university to be attacking its students who are simply exercising their constitutional rights peacefully. and we tried unity to other questions for you on the accusations of anti semitism that some of these protests i, i bring this up because john kirby, the white house national security communications adviser, mentioned it on the sunday morning talk shows he said quote, we absolutely condemn the anti semitism language that we've heard of late and we certainly condemned hate speech. i wonder. have you seen or heard whether it's anti semitism or hate speech or anything that gets you pause at that protest or other projects? absolutely not. you know, and i'm a person of jewish background myself that was raised very much, you know, after the holocaust and having grand parents who were refugees from anti semitism and programs themselves. you know, i was raised very much within that, tried within that tradition. but that tradition was also fed to
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a genocide should happen to know one. and unfortunately, i know zionism is not judaism and zionism has been controversial within the jewish community. in fact, since its origins in the 18 hundreds and that the controversy continues today, and the consequences of zionism were basically, people came in jews, came in refugees who then said this land is ours. and we're ethnically cleansing this land. that's not ok. it was fine for people to be refugees, but then to take over the land and displays and use violence against the the people who are there. you know that this problem, this crisis did not start on october 7th, october 7th, was just the latest phase of you know, violence that was perpetrated mostly by israel against the palestinians, starting back at the knock, the and before in fact, certainly 75 years in advance in advance of that and unfortunately,
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jews and i know myself because i was raised as part of it. i've been taught a certain version of history which is not quite accurate. and as more and more historical documents have come to light, it's, you know, it's very clear that there have been a, there's been, you know, and outrages, tradition of violence against palestinians from the get go. so zionism is something that needs to be defeated and being anti zionist is not the same as being anti semitic. of all universities in gaza had been badly damaged or destroyed via is really forces and the students and gods are watching with the students. and then us are doing and saying, displace palestinians in ross are thinking protest is at campuses in the us for their solidarity messages and gratitude have been displayed on their tents. students are calling for the protests in the us to continue. despite the crack down that we were just talking about by police and university authorities. we appreciate
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very much we, we, we truly love them. anyone who raises a flag for by the sign, we appreciated with all our hearts, they are leaving their education, they are getting hard and they getting in trouble for us. we really appreciate that . we really want them to, to keep going. and we really want to be a part of this university is because they have the sense with us. no one did that. when i saw all the process. but all the colleges like columbia, harvard, yale, and all the colleges and all the students there are ready to, to, to maybe be arrested for us for sending into a visit with the sign. that gives me a glimpse of home on the ground in gaza. $66.00 more palestinians have been killed in just the last 24 hours. a huge explosion had gone to city. that's in the central region. uh and in the central region of the strip on sunday. the is really military also targeted the southern city of rough or at least $34450.00 for palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th honeymoon,
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who has more from rough that we're getting confirmation of at least one person's killed in this residential home. and i was in, in a district india tag just happened a while ago on ears tried targeting the residential building. this is the initial report that we have been confirmed that it has been confirmed as one person killed multiple injuries already a transferred on their way to the hospital in a jar house. but there's still more people that we were told by the civil defense, a crew and paramedic that the house was full of people. these are displaced families and evacuated from the northern parts in gauze and city in the earlier attack than eastern part of roughly 30000000. but as the neighborhood that the northern eat, the southern eastern part of the city where a flat was targeted inside a residential building, a 3 story building at 2 people. it's a porter with a critical injuries and multiple, other from the surrounding areas all transferred to and the job at hospital bed. the off for
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a mass of this attack is just not only cause the further civilian casualties, but also forcing people into more internal displacement already. people are displays have been filtering in this area for the past month. and since they were forced out of their homes or from the northern part goddess, the more recently from tanya and is on the central area on a separate attack, that's really military continue to pound across the central area. mainly the refuge account is in the western part of, of the central area. that's a new site, right? where you common an area between the southern part of why does that. and then they'll say that refuge account again gets causing further civilian casualties and causing the shocking level of destruction. to all means of why we're talking about it right now, we level in which we see all civilian and also shows services have been eliminated in the area. meanwhile, the civil defense crew and paramedics and volunteers were able to recover at least
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13 bodies of from different parts of eastern han unison. the from parts of the city from under the rebels are from roads and those are believed to be killed when there's really military and it's the ground forces invaded the city last month. i mean, my lord avita alpha palestine. the world's central kitchen says it's resuming humanitarian operations and gaza weeks up to 7 of its employees were killed then it is really strike their convoy was hitting central guns on april 1st, despite having shared their movements with this really forces. israel apologized and described the incident as a grave mistake. in joe's chief executive, aaron gore says the is really army has changed rules of its operations, but notes that it has no concrete assurances about the safety of its employees. palestinian president nahu to boss has urged the world to help in the war and allow more aiden to got there. he's been speaking in the saudi capital, re add where he addressed the world economic forum,
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abbas appealed to the us to prevent israel from launching a ground attack on the russell where more than 1500000 people are sheltering. you also warranted that israel could try to push that listing is out of the occupied westbank after it's done with garza. my exit. if you have those uh what, what is happening and gaza? what will happen in the coming days and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza gathered in the city of rough or at only a small blo remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody, we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation . because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime. in the occupied west bank, many are critical of the policy and president seemed to surround the reports from ramallah, the policy and president obama. the bosses comments are being met with skepticism and criticism. yes,
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it is the 1st time he has spoken so publicly about these problems. yes, it is the 1st time that he is laid out. the collective posting and fears in such great detail on the international stage, but many say that these problems have been going on for 6 months. palestinians have been suffering for 6 months and a boss has comments come too late and don't go far enough. he's been specifically criticized for some points that he made while speaking about palestinian statehood about palestinians. right to self determination. in the same breath. he said that israel has a right of full security and this is our duty. he's being criticized for trying to put the ideas of is really security at the forefront of a conversation about trying to resolve the problems between is really communities and palestinian ones at a time with israel's military occupation of the west bank. israel's ongoing war and gaza continues to cost house the lives continues to dehumanize,
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posting and communities. so the idea of israeli security bringing that into the conversation is something that many policy and say they simply cannot stomach thing . but for avi, olga 0 romanella and the occupied westbank house, the displace palestinians of hilda football tournament and southern gaza 50 teenagers faced each other to encourage players around the world to call for a cease fire. if to some good food reports. and unusual match kicks off and this cam for the displaced in that offer, 50 palestinian teenagers are playing for the wind. but their goal goes far beyond the pitch. this event is that sporting events. it's about tennessee to send the message for all the war. asking for these fight out for ending the war and ending the stuff i don't know, which is the end goal just for the fans. young and old have come to cheer them on the offer is now home to more than 600000
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children and their families displaced by the war. and it's where he's rarely forced to say, they're planning a new ground offensive. most of god's is major football stadiums have been damaged, turned into open air in tournament camps for palestinian detainees or simply destroyed. and these rarely bombardment has thrown young players into displacement and poverty with ms. vega and then the model has an in i previously paid for palestine to let me pick team, but this was death to stay to the future. despite receiving several offers to play for clubs outside the country, including in libya, vietnam. i couldn't accept them due to the current circumstances traveling from here to each it costs around $5000.00, which is an exorbitant amount given the current situation and organized by an american charity. this match is held to rally football fans around the world shall because the news, our people deserve respect and have the rights to live. despite the destruction and
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siege the palace to meet people never failed to show resilience and not determined to live. with looming threats to further attacks on the young palestinians hoping the beautiful game can help them reach a peaceful future if to some good food, all g 0 and the french foreign minister is in the lebanese capital b roots, the talks on the escalating security situation on the board with israel, he's held meetings with officials on the ways to ease tensions. st. ahold of reports from the root. francis foreign minister says he has a roadmap to de escalate the conflict along the 11 on israel border. there's been day the exchanges of fire since hezbollah opened up a front to help relief pressure on garza in october, stefan says renee stressed the need for the warring sides to exercise restraint. looks like you know what the objective of the roadmap that i propose to february then in to the 11 days and these riley or far to use is to achieve full
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implementation by all parties to the security council resolution, 17 or one. they just security. it says your name visited the 700 french soldiers based in southern lebanon, as part of the 10000 strong united nations peacekeeping force. the roadmap that is being presented reportedly involves expanding the un mission by strengthening the lebanese army. it's based on a un resolution, which ended the last war between israel and hezbollah in 2006, and calls for a zone free of arms and fighters outside the state's control along the border. the highest and best hop but has the law, has montana it will not enter any concrete discussion on the cross board or violence until there is a permanent ceasefire in gaza. all the while it's officials warrant of a broader response. if israel widens it's attacks, the group has already changed it's posture in recent days. its attacks have become
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more of the feel. that's why western nations are keeping diplomatic channels open to try to prevent a wider war. but the 11 on israel front is very much linked to the war on gauze up as pressure mounts on is wrong. how about to reach a deal? a ceasefire. there could lead to association of hostilities between hezbollah and as route that would allow negotiations to begin the u. s. mediator. in this conflict, they must, austin, is in israel and may be in the 11 east capital. so that a further else has either failed the pressures or i, a state news agency says western countries stand to lose assets worth at least $288000000000.00. a frozen russian assets are confiscated. after moscow invaded ukraine, the us and its allies blocked around $300000000000.00 worth of assets. now,
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some western powers have floated the idea of using those confiscated holdings to rebuild ukraine once the war has finally ended. but russia reaffirmed on sunday the counter measures could follow what it calls. western theory, the ukraine's top general says, his troops have been forced to retreat. as fighting on the country's eastern front, intensified west of the done yet, region keeps forces have fallen back to new positions and at least 3 places along the front. john home and reports from keith. the situation on the front line, few crimes has got worse. that's according to cranes, ami in chief, all excited to see the escape. he said that it's due to russian forces, especially at several points right now on that mode. 1000 columbus a front line. and he said that actually ukrainian forces have had to retreat in through from free villages in the south east. he said that those villages mean practical gains full of russian purposes,
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but not necessarily operational gains use like pointed to a difference in terms of fi, a power between the 2 full asses in sections of upfront line. when that seems have gone out to speak to you crazy. and so just near the front line, they said that they thing out showed by 6 to one at the top night. so come on to his said that i could go to $10.00 to $1.00. he said if miller trade wasn't coming off that he's remotes, the united states actually approve the $61000000000.00 package of military right now. the question is how quickly that can arrive the. busy $1000000000.00 trunk of that package that was approved a few days ago. and it is now set to be on its way to crying. now, while the weight is on the ukraine for it to get here, russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantages. and that's not just on the front line brushes on. so ramping up, it's a tight on a ukrainian railway line, say the ukrainians,
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and also on the countries energy plots to disrupt the its economy in this window, john home. and i'll just say to keep you crying to thousands have been protesting of the georgia and capital, the leasing against the so called foreign influence law. the legislation will require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as far as the agents opponent said could be used to crack down on groups critical of the government and damage tortures, ambitions to join the european union. 20 k gore. dante is george's former deputy foreign minister in charge of relations with the european union, and he says, former prime minister been seen a initially as orchestrating this government's move. oh, it's quite difficult to say what sees the real motivation of the been down there are all of your choice behind that. who's consoling in development in georgia, who informally controls the government in georgia,
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is probably this is something leads to his relations with russia because it's a way to demonstrate to show its. busy realty to, to rush, i rush, i so on neighboring countries, the countries that dresser can see it as a be under the influence to adult. this kind of floss recently could just on, has adopted the slow, which is a copy paste of the russian loss. so this is assigned to loyalty for the, for the countries um that russia wants to control and have under influence. and also, the 2nd explanation is that georgia will have a very important provenance, reflections in october and the written party, according to a different opinion and falls is not set in the situation to win the selections and the black shows stay. the government's lead policy will try to shut down the most
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vocal critical media and civil society organizations. the still ahead on alpha 0, martinez also is government rejects accusations. it's military executed. hundreds of civilians, including children and tens of thousands are on the streets of australia, demanding action against a rise and attacks against women. the the navigation is trying to invite this bit of water here is full of adults come up and talked to exceed expect things to start to cool them. and they have done and they will do mean victoria takes that southwest. the breeze and album were dropped from 17 to about 15 degrees. i think the same time shares will eventually fall in sydney and might in person i suspect it'd be more welcoming past then they might be in sydney as a written goes across the tasman hit. so the south on the new zealand,
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it will briefly had everything, christ church, but that word last the day after. but instead of just fairly which one i'm, we still got tremendously big charles, not renting the full cost in some parts of in the easy it from west pump. you through sort of lazy to bone. you. there's the focus. there is new nurses, maybe increasingly it's likely in some philippines, maybe students who march or may be in the single pole. this should be cost drawing up by this time of year. and this should really be happening kind of the, the amount of writing that folding font and thunderstorms, damaging deadly sun storms in china is just don't dying down the spi, totally in the 4th, takes the rain in that sundry box through shanghai during tuesday. and then sort of thing goes south through hong kong and briefly, it's a right in south korea and japan. the story in india of course, is the heat, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the there watching else is 0. a reminder of our headlines this, our student protesters across the united states are continuing their demand for an end to israel's nearly 7 month war on gaza. hundreds of demonstrators standing in solidarity with palestinians have been arrested so far. meanwhile, in gaza, 66 palestinians have been killed by his really forces over a 24 hour period. he's really made a tree conducted airstrikes across from besiege strip. at least $34450.00 for palestinians have been killed since october, the 7th. thousands have been protesting,
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and the georgian caps of lucy against the so called foreign influence law. that would require organizations receiving funds from abroad to registers foreign agents high temperatures and making life more difficult to displace palestinians living and make shift tents and gaza. extreme hate has led to health warnings, officers on a cell. sharif reports from northern gods with doing for the last place. you know that when all the summer season has started and displaced, people facing extremely challenging, leaving conditions in mix. if then, the tense made the feats 9 and other materials they become unbearable leaving of the weather gets warmer. the. the temperature inside the tents is often higher than outside. the less teeny of families, yet in the clouds. struggling to cope this, exposing a serious risk to the lives of children and elderly patient adults. with chronic in mrs. william austin,
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i'm going to say be experiencing extreme heat which is unbearable getting vento being good freezing temperatures. as you can see, the attempt is made up of 9 and there's very little between us and our neighbors. but this is a mo, so my has brought many challenges in 6 cockroaches rots the temperature has increased when it's 40 degrees outside the temperature inside the tents can reach 50 degrees. we urgently appealed to the international community to help us in this dire situation. yeah, i seen the thought to new a living and these tense is simply untenable. we like food, water, and basic necessities. sometimes we only have a small amount of drinking water. fresh water is out of reach. we long for even just a breath of fresh air or breeze. the situation is unbearable has oh, how i know that she is the dia conditions in which displace palestinians living in the i not safe from the heat, cold or the spirit of disease and insects. unless
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a chevy of a jersey or terminal of or an international aid organization says that israel is preventing a shift, carrying aid and international observers from reaching gaza. the freedom flip taylor coalition, as it's known, says israel has created what it calls that administrative roadblock to start the vessel from leaving port to stumble. one activist attempting to break the blockade was on a similar mission 14 years ago. and despite israel's fateful rate on their ship at the time, she's going back to see with hopes of delivering desperately needed assistance to gaza. this is her story. in her own words, i have been myself on about 8. see mission to, to try to break the seats of casa and 3 of those that, that i was personally on were violently attacks including the 2010 flow. tell us.
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so after i had to step back and i, i became a mom. i have 2 young kids now. my brother in law, you know, has a laser both in my family love to go out on. i never went on either. i'm like, i'm okay if i never see i never on another boat again. and, and this other, although there is a little bit of p, p s d here you put that aside because we need to do what we're doing. what we have on board is life saving aid we are watching in for as an entire people are being deliberately starved on top of the bombings and the big killings. and the main things that we have seen. and we can't stand by because our governments aren't doing anything to stop it. so we are taking to see to attempt to deliver this aid and to directly challenge the seats in hopes of breaking. we understand that as you might attack us, we don't know how, but we are trying to make sure that if that happens,
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we can at least communicate to the outside world. we're equipping our ships with the communication capabilities. israel has previously attacked us and jammed the signals and cut off our communications. we are hope hoping to be able to evade that . i was traveling on a us flag ship called the challenger, one with other american citizens. and when israel called us on the radio and demanded that we turned back, i responded on the radio and i like this. we all know that we are civilians. it was in the middle of the night. i goes off a little bit and then somebody woke up to explosion. and so one thing is we're of attacking. and so i went up on the top of the ship and saw helicopters and saw these thing is filled with commanders coming up against the model. the model model, which is the flagship of the, of the flow to law and explosions and suiting they grab me and smashed my head into the deck. and you know, as i was screaming the person they went for was,
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are communication equipment, our phones, our cameras, they confiscated all of that and they tied us up. i put it back over my head. they proceeded to overtake the boat and take it to the is really part of us codes. i didn't learn until much later that they had killed our colleagues on the un security council says it's deeply concerned that sedans parent military rapids support forces or preparing an attack and al sasha, the city is the last stronghold of the army in the west and or for region, at least 21 communities have been attacked in the area since march and the number of civilians displaced by fighting and l saucer has grown to 800000 in recent months yourself also to control the for other state capitals. last year had been organ reports from cartoon the reason why the united nations security council and other agencies, nations and the united nations secretary general as they are focusing on
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n slash it is because it's the city that's many people from other parts of the are for displays to when their cities fell under the control also be permitted to rapid support forces. the number of displaced people went from 300002 over 800000 in recent months as a result of the iris of taking over the cities in the therefore region. the concern is that these tribes the tribes that are right now in infested, our tribes that have been historically targeted by the apartment. a 3 are a separate since the size of it are 4 in 2003. so they are fears that if they are assessed, pulse attacking the city, then those tribes will be targeted just as the ethnic metallic try. bored, targeted in the west are 4 in the city of june, and i was that's where the you and said between 10 to 15000 people were killed in the space of weeks by the parent military rapids support forces i'm allied diminishes. so the concern is that especially would become what has been described as a killed box, and they will be a mastercard, where they are assessed,
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and their allies, melisha will target people based on their ethnicity. now there's been calls for a ceasefire and for the turing parties to return to talk before uh, the hours of attacks and pressure. but so far, the 2 sites are you get to heat through those calls and announce that they will be reviewing negotiations in the far the city of did the between the, between them mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. so while the 2 sites are, you get to attend to negotiating table or for to agree to any ceasefire. they all concerns that once the recept attacks those trapped in the city of especially the ethnic a 4 or is of our people who have been historically targeted by the our staff will be caught in the middle and that they will be a master car and ethnic cleansing, what kind of fun so is dismissed a report from a human rights group accusing the military of exc, shooting $223.00 civilians, including more than 15 children. human rights watch says booking
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a fast as the army carried out. the killings in 2 northern villages in february, the report says that they were executed as part of the campaign against civilians. accused of working with arm groups. offices here as nicholas hack has more from senegal, his capital, the car baseless and inaccurate. that's the words from a statement made by the government of regina foster following a damning report from human rights watch, which a q is, is soldiers of work, crimes and crimes against humanity. but the government statement says, soldiers are there not to kill but to protect civilians. human rights watch has said that they've spoken to eye witnesses to what they describe as a massacre that took place on the 25th of february in 2 villages, by the border of molly, the village of nadine and sore where those that survived. the massacre say that soldiers were in uniform shop in discreetly towards women and children and adults. they were separated and 3 groups and then dumped into mass graves. when this report
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was made public last friday, the reaction from the government was to clamp down on any news organization or media outlet that was reporting on it, including international use, media outlets, and our reporters without border say that the government of regina paso is clamping down on descent and any voices that would give it different narrative to the one of the government. but this report comes at a time where there is increasing a tax from arm groups link to al qaeda and i. so over 2000000 people have been displaced. the government of regina for us to say they will investigate this latest accusation made by the human rights watch report. nicholas hawk al jazeera, the car. the voting is due to stores in togo, in parliamentary and regional elections, with the opposition pulling for a massive turn out. political tensions are running high since lawmakers approved
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the new constitution in a series of press downs on opposition protest. critics say the political changes will allow president for the missing bay to further extend his families long group on power. the president's party save the new system is more democratic. still ahead on allison 0. sparks fly in southern shine is tornadoes here through a major industrial hub. i estimate them in a in, so it's a we're, we speaking to an seo, partridge activist, and jasmine agent. people hot speak small who say a south africa mox, 15 years of democracy, the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government from time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically,
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for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we, the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era cheering dislikes, the more fossil fuels, we burn the hot or the planet and we'll get reporting from the correction job. i says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this gen and as an age where it goes right directly. targeted and in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is what accepted. i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story of the world.
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the the 10s of thousands of people have rallied in cities across australia, demanding action to end gender based violence processor in response to a sharp increase in the number of women being killed. let me go some sharif reports see from melbourne to put the most in the pals and calling for tougher laws and violence against women. the demonstrations come after wise and the number of the new can. so for this year i'm really speak of it. i'm. i'm clicking this and i don't want my teachers to continue being like this. according to the government, one woman has been killed in 3 full days in australia this year. that's $27.00 been in this figure,
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nearly doubled who's been compared to the same period last year. a recent stabbing attack and sydney that killed 6 people. most of the women has brought the issue of violence against them back to the full dates to start with a son. the boy does this behavior being perpetuated by centuries long and the so jenny, from mr. anthony of an easy attended one of the vanities in captain ken brown. it's not just government problem. it's a problem of our entire society. the women's rights advocates say such attacks have become disturbing. the common in the country. in 2021. tens of thousands violate against allegations of sexual abuse and
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misconduct, and some of false previous highest political offices in a nation, but the men of feeling increasingly unsafe. these protested pardon for change. the consumption of these on to caesar. vicky ward is the minister for prevention of family violence in victoria states. she says people are becoming more confident to come forward and report incidents of violence. and it's only in recent years that we're really seeing that change influx of money and that really institutional support. so that means that when no, actually i have to start measuring data and what we're saying is that balance incidents apply to me. so what we're seeing is an environment where people i'm a confident in coming forward and with i know that they will have that support and through knowing these numbers. so that is what actually helps us continue to work through programs to work through what we can do to continue to drive down those incidents of family violence. many of those people who are using violence have experienced tumor in their lodge before you do that is something that we have to do
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. and this again goes to what the prime minister has said, and it absolutely goes to what's pretty interesting to ellen, who said, we put a do work in prevention and we've got to be working with those people who are actually using violence. but we do need men in this patient. we have to be clear that violence against women has been going on for millennia. yes, quite a bit. did create for what situations in household where we store increased incidence of reported family violence. it doesn't mean that the violence wasn't happening before, and we need to have change in our country, but worldwide, around how we see women, how we talk about women, and how we are inclusive of women. because what we're saying is an issue of respect to 30 years of democracy in south africa may have achieved political stability, but with highly unemployment and an equality. not everyone has received the better
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life promise to this constitution with an election due next month. jonah whole got the views of students that johannesburg fits university. south africa's university of the vic vault is drawn to it's has always been a politicized campus. it was a hot bed of student protest during the struggle against the prostate. when nelson mandela became president in 1994, i was a new student here. i wondered what which students make of this moment 30 years old from south africa's 1st free and democratic election. that that remains really relevant to me because that is not a long time. like it was only recently when we got the democracy that we have and the freedom of everybody to vote the way we have. i think it would be unreasonable to see if it hasn't been proved. this one. we have political rights. we convert to freedom of speech. we can criticize our government as much as we want. i'm not going to come to me and say if you vote for this issue, the answer compatible as you do these things, going to change. you know, so that because i mean, wait and evaluate. the point is where to take
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a lot of us to take us out of it. so it's very important you can hopefully by realistic at the same time you sent you the, i think that saw that some democrats, you just thought, i think that it was package and nicely put everyone on and put my data on the same thing with all different that people, what we saw was an opportunity for change or still figuring out what works for us and what doesn't. so it becomes very hard to explain to a generation of people who are born born fees, who are thrown into the system moving forward. you have this, right, you have that right, but not least what the response abilities and not really being able to hold the need is a constable to the instance of a democracy is changing of leadership. so to see how help deal with democracy is i think this year will be important. and that's in the i often say i'm the change i want to see. and that begins with me. one, gotten them uh with young people is that we for to that's we don't inform yourself,
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educate yourself about the state of the economy about where we are currently standing and how you can make that change and contribute to it. so i'm the change, i don't want to see is the power hold in being a young person. i just go to university this year of a 1st year. i'm now able to vote. so i think for me, my role is the student is to like, i get everybody else. you also just to me, i'm interested in making a difference. i love to saying that one job of within that, which means nothing much. can you send me in that one some way. so if 27 meet invoices agreed to connect to make change the voices of you. that was something you could do more in 5 years. than this happened in 30 years, and that is that i can tell you guys, i'm so grateful to you for sharing these valuable insights into the state of south africa and future as you see it in this beautiful setting bits university, your university, my university, to thank you for speaking to alex, is there
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a south african sports to end the decades of parts a music played a central role in rallying the freedom movement. simple, hot sticks, move, say he's an artist who used his talents to encourage unity and equality. but he says, there's still a long way to go for me. the miller caught up with a double cross in region and with an important track simply titled nelson london apples. it was written by musicians. people hot stakes my booster in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years by you to us just natural as a musician you, you feel the importance, the contribution that one could make in writing
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a song like that. the song itself was a contribution a reading, colorful, nelson mandela's release. this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom, which know, performed by musicians locally and abroad. medusa worked with global stones like maria mikaela, and you must have kayla between the bringing awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans calling for into a part to south africa held its 1st in aquatic election in 1994 healthy god. oh, how old montana was elected. president city is on civil presidents and administrations later. critics say south africa struggling with a poor economy and governance corruption and crime. it is important for us to see some of the good things that happened with them, of course, and of course,
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we have not dealt with poetry. we have not dealt with those who came up to us were homeless. we have no doubt with a, a, our have issues there, many challenges stick with it. the youth, the young people went on and unemployed, but it doesn't mean that nothing has been done, but boost this is despite the challenges many young still the africans today. one of them, his daughter, a former opportunities and before music and art played a significant role in south africa's fight for democracy. and so what so and other places, songs quoting for freedom pins decades ago, a sole song today when people want to express and go discontent. and often people here have a lot to complain about. well, democracy both significant change and freedoms. for many here the government is not fulfilled. some of its promises while sold africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. so medium le ultra 0 is the way to
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a thousands of schools across spots of asia. has temporarily shut down due to a searing heat wave authorities in the philippines suspended classes for 2 days and issued public health warnings in bangladesh and nationwide strength by jeep the drivers prevented millions of students from attending classes. the striking drivers said that they are unable to continue their shuttle services due to extreme heat. a tornado has struck the southern chinese city of glen, joe, killing 5 people. 33 others were injured when they twist or landed mid afternoon on saturday. look at this. within a 140 factory buildings were damaged, a 2nd tornado hit another district later, same day. but much of the news, the founding director of the institute for public and environmental affairs and aging, he says that extreme weather events are becoming more common around the world. the statistics show that they are setting increasing frequency, all 5 ads, extreme heavy rainfall in china,
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just like in many other parts of the word since 1916. so it's a, it's a, it's going up and down. and then particularly in the, in this region and this region, this year, suffered from the earliest i have, uh, you know, a record breaking or the flooding uh, from the beginning of this month. and then uh, you know, before this tornado the pro, right, uh, the wrong, don't you know, the problem is of going to have suffered to rock of very have you bring things, we'd say treat or a warning, a warning of the one c 100 years of flooding and it's causing a lot of damage and then some casualties already. so this is, um, uh, uh, a uh, a new charge that, uh, that we have to, to do with, uh, and china is uh, trying to, to bute, strengthen, are already ordering system,
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you know, but with better metro logical uh, forecast and capacity and also emergency response emergency response capability as being stressing out over the long run the cities and oh, need to be designed and flags with higher standards of the slot discharge. and, and one of the lucky prevention at least 4 people, including a 4 month old baby or dead after tornadoes hit the us state of oklahoma. the storms which began late on saturday nights have destroyed buildings and left thousands without power. more than a 100 people have been injured and the government has declared a disaster emergency for oklahoma or intensity as prime minister can see mazda lila is warning that the heavy rains, which have led to widespread deadly flooding, are set to continue at least a 155 people have been killed while nearly. ringback a quarter of
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a 1000000 people have been displaced as many as one of several countries across east africa dealing with the impact of the new weather pattern as well. that's it for me. 0 then. yeah. if it today, up next to my colleague, carrie johnston will be with the green great. the one of the biggest selections of 2024. india is general election. will prime minister now render movies be taking increase its route across the country? how will economic uncertainty and you've self employment sway voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote freebie and fairly ongoing coverage in the as the elections on tuesday around
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the the, the condition this is this, this is this, this is helen sort of female surgery and let me see if this
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is yvonne today, can you send them to me the the student led to movements in the us against the one garza on the support from the x of this is more universe to store and the presence, the territory, and this is all just arrow not from also coming out as well continues to bump gauze


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